Chapter two

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Nikki walked into an empty compartment, escaping the chaos, the first years seemed to be a rowdy bunch this year. As Nikki sat down, she stared out the window, watching people wave to their loved ones as they go off to Hogwarts.

When the train started moving, Nikki was glad, they arrived early in hopes that they wouldn't run into Sirius' family, which they gladly they didn't. But it meant that Nikki had tons of time to kill, even if she did spent most of it talking to a enthusiastic first year.

All the things that happened last year made Nikki wonder, what would happen this year? Would it be just as hectic? Or maybe more... Maybe something special even, Nikki had no idea, and she wasn't too sure if she wanted to find out.

A soft knock made Nikki look from the window to the compartment door, expecting to see a first year asking to sit wit her, she was surprised to see Remus “Hi.” said Nikki, then wondered, why Remus wasn't with the others.

“You alright?” asked Remus, taking a step into the compartment “You seemed really bothered the other day, and now you are sitting alone, and James being James probably didn't think much of it.” he continued.

Nikki shrugged slightly “All things considered? I'm living.” replied Nikki, resting her head on the window, but still looked at Remus “Things at home have been rather difficult.” she explained “My and James' parents are sick.” she added softly.

Remus had not been made aware of that before, it didn't surprise him that James hadn't told him, he wasn't one to hang on details like that. And it would explain why Nikki had wanted to go home when they were at Diagon Alley “Why didn't you tell me?” asked Remus.

“Because it wouldn't of made a difference.” answered Nikki “James thinks there isn't really anything to worry about it, and that I shouldn't worry.” she said “But I am... Worried about them.” she added, with a sigh.

Though Remus wasn't too sure how sick they actually were, it made him feel bad, seeing Nikki worried “I'm sure that they will be okay.” said Remus, even though that wasn't something that he knew for sure about.

Nikki stared at Remus, she has heard that many times before, so it was only slightly more comforting hearing it from him. Silence fell between them, none of them knew exactly what to say, there wasn't much to say, but just as Remus had went to go, Nikki spoke again.

“Do you think you could stay?” asked Nikki, her voice barely loud enough for Remus to hear. Remus looked at Nikki, trying to seem like what she asked was not a big deal, when it brightened his day more than he ever expected.

Remus smiled at her “Of course.” said Remus, he would gladly stay with her. When he sat across from her, he suddenly began to think about this year. A part of him wondered would this year be in his favor? Would it be his year?

The rest of the journey Nikki and Remus spent talking, about anything they could think of or whatever came to their minds. Both of them were slightly dreading this year now that James was Quidditch captain, it meant there was no possible good enough excuse for missing a Gryffindor match.

“Have you ever thought about becoming a professor?” asked Nikki as her and Remus got off the train “I think you would make a good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.” she added, looking at him from the corner of her eye.

Truthfully, Remus never considered it really considered it, he wasn't too sure what he wanted to do with his life after Hogwarts “I wouldn't be able to do it, with my problem” said Remus, being a werewolf would make many jobs hard for him.

Nikki shrugged, she thought that Remus could do it even though he is a werewolf. She just didn't know what excuse he would be able to use for the days with the full moons, and when people would start to notice, which they surely would.

“So, you've two been together the whole time.” said James, walking up with Sirius, he was glad that Nikki hadn't been with Snivellus “Ran away to be with my sister did you, Moony?” asked James, raising a brow.

Sirius grinned and Nikki covered her mouth and her eyes grew wide, Remus' face went pale then red. Nikki shook her head, half trying not to laugh and half trying not to smack James “You've been hanging around Sirius too much, James” complained Nikki, once she moved her hands.

Though Remus should've seen a remark like that coming, it still got to him. He could only imagine what Nikki gone through with both of them in the same house during break “Lets go, so we can get our own carriage” said Remus, changing the subject.

When Sirius went to make a remark, Nikki crossed her arms and looked at him. As if challenging him to say something, he had learned the hard way that Nikki knew how to throw a punch, it wasn't something he wanted to relive, so he kept quiet.

“I didn't think that me being gone for the train ride would be that bad since I spent the summer with you two, and I figured Remus didn't want to have to deal with you guys just yet. So we sat together and I guess like caught up.” said Nikki with a shrug.

Nikki did enjoy the time she had with Remus, and it was the first time in a while where she could actually forget about what everything that was going on. But yet she felt bad for doing it at the same time, being alone with him.

With not knowing how exactly she feels about him, Nikki really didn't want to hurt him. But part of her knew that it was inevitable that someone would end up hurt, but that part wasn't sure who would it be or when it would happen.

After pulling herself out of her thoughts, Nikki followed behind to the carriages, each year it still seemed interesting how the carriages pulled themselves. She figured that it was due to some magic spell that pulled them, but she always wondered.

But she couldn't help but feel like something was there, hidden from the human eye, pulling people each year to Hogwarts and back. Is that even possible? A creature pulling a carriage that you can't see? Thought Nikki.

“Stop gawking at nothing, will you?” said James, making Nikki look away from the empty space in front of the carriage that had filled her with doubt. Was it possible that she was just thinking way too much into it? Or was there actually something there?

Nikki took a small step back “Sorry.” she apologized, unable to think of anything else. As Nikki got onto the carriage, she found her mind drifting back to the mysterious power of the carriage. Its just a magic spell, stop being silly Nikki told herself.. It was just a magic spell... right?

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