Chapter 3

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Hi there! I wanted to tell you all, this is a novella, so the story will move quite quickly. Depending on the success of this book, may entitle a second one to follow the characters!

To the story...

Narrator begins...
An ambulances siren fills the air, sending a chill up Anne's spine. Tears roll down her face. " Hello ma'am. Are you Amy's mother?" An EMT questions her. " Yes, she's my baby" Anne says quietly, thinking of the child she loved from birth. "We noticed a child car seat in the vehicle, we are wondering if perhaps she has a child we should worry about?" The EMT asks with concern in her voice. "John. Is her son, who is with his father." Anne replies in shock. "Should we contact the father perhaps?" The EMT wonders. "I'll call him." Anne says while grabbing her phone out of her pocket, dialling Ricky. With Anne's ear against the phone, it rings and rings till Ricky picks up. "Yes, Anne? Is everything okay?" Ricky worries. "No, everything is not okay. Amy was in a car accident. She didn't go to New York. She was on her way to see you. You should come to the hospital immediately. She is in critical condition." Anne states. "I'll be right there." Ricky says. Beep. Ricky hung up. Anne jumps into the ambulance with Amy right beside her. She looks very rough and injured.

Ricky's POV
"Margaret, we need to go to the hospital. Amy got into a car accident. She is in critical condition." I rush through my words. I grab John into my arms and run down the stairs into the butcher shop with Margaret right behind me. "I have to go, Bunny!" I yell without looking back. I just about throw John into his seat and jump into the driver seat. Placing my fingers onto the key, I quickly turn it and hear the engine start. Immediately, I start driving to the hospital, with Margaret behind me again. To my surprise, I make it in what seems to be seconds, and slide right into a parking space. I grab John and rush into the front entry of the hospital. "Juergens? Amy?" I ask the woman who was working the desk, I remember that she was the lady who I first called Amy my wife to when she thought he was sick. "Room 110" she says with a lack of enthusiasm. John and I go straight to Room 110 and my love is laying in the hospital bed with a nurse checking on her. I knock on the door, seeking entry. The nurse waves us in, "What relation do you have with the patient?" She asks. Without thinking I say, "She's my wife. And his mom." She gives me an odd look, which I'm guessing is based on our age. Amy had a cut above her right eyebrow and her eye was swollen. A doctor slowly approaches me in the room. "Are you the father of her child?" The doctor asks. " Yes, and this is John." I answer with pride, knowing that Amy and I have something so special that will forever link us, John.  "She should wake up fairly soon, then she can go home. The crash was an independent crash, so the damage was fairly limited, she will be sore and that should be about it." The doctor stated, "And, this is very hard to say, but I'm afraid due to the impact of the crash, the baby didn't make it."

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