The Signs As Doing Homework

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Aries: Finishes their homework but doesn't turn it in because they don't listen to authority.
Taurus: Is to busy hanging out with friends and texting to do the homework at night so they copy Scorpio's paper in the morning.
Gemini:  Way too obsessed with handwriting to finish it on time.
Cancer: Does their home then whines the next day on how bad they think they did.
Leo: "Wait... There was homework??"
Virgo: Has a planner and sets a time to do their homework, one person interrupts and they throw a fit, give up, and do the work last minute.
Libra:  Wants to do their homework but conplains regaurdless because they can.
Scorpio: Does the work perfectly and everyone is envious.
Sagittaurus: "Homeworl is for LOZERS taht are not smart"
Capricorn: Does a different assignment than the teacher asked for and fails.
Aquarios: The homework wa easy for them so they gave up and did it the passing period before class.
Pisces: does more than what was expected because they love their teacher!

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