|| • Frosted Feathers • ||

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Before I start, I apologize for posting this very very very late. I've been struggling with depression, sudden failure of health, and other issues.

I forgot who requested this but here it is! Sorry if it's kinda rushed.

Of course Yukisada cared for Shirogane. He was his best friend. But to find out his feelings were romantic?! How would he tell the poor wolf?

The owl pondered for days, unaware of how to present himself to his friend. During that time, he would pace around downstairs. Every morning he would think of all the things Shirogane has done for him. At night he would think of all the moments they've shared. When Shirogane went out, Yukisada would try to recite the embarrassing things he wrote on cards. It was easy to say those things to a stuffed animal, but to say it to Shirogane, that was something different.

Shirogane would be his first love.

The owl was like this for days, avoiding the wolf as much as possible. It got to a point where he didn't see Shirogane in the house as frequently. He was beginning to worry, but it would be tough to talk to him after learning of this sudden crush.

Then Rocma came knocking at his door. When he opened it, the shudders that traveled down his spine froze him in place. In all honesty, Yukisada very much despised the polar bear. She was cold, cruel and always bullying Shirogane, yet she somehow remained kind to Peraco and Mafuyu. The wolf always went on and on of how 'strong, smart, calm, etc' she was.

To Yukisada, she was nothing more than a cold hearted bitch.

But he donned the fake smile, and calm personality.

All for Shiro.

"Can I help you?" Yukisada asked. Instead of responding though, the polar bear barged in and placed herself on a seat at the table, an angry glare on her face. Her eyes, pitch black except her pupil which was a snow white.

The owl was about to say something but then she spoke. "That fucking wolf keeps whining about how 'you're mad at him'. He's crying to everyone for help." Rocma barked, her sharp claws scratching the table. "Do us all a favor and stop being a selfish asshole."

As rude as her language was, Yukisada understood. He was the only would who would listen to Shirogane's worries and problems. The village was never fond of how clingy the wolf was either. To make matters worse, that foul-smelling orca is probably planning to beat up Shirogane sooner or later.

"Are you listening, bird? That wolf is as good as dead with Idate around." The polar bear gripped onto Yukisada's shirt collar, slightly lifting him off the ground. "And his blood won't be on my paws."


The cave.

Yukisada carefully stepped in the hollow hole. Even the cold from the outside couldn't enter the cave. It was as warm as a normal home. Not only that, there was a trail of blood on the floor that lead deeper in the cave. It gave the cave a repulsive, rotten scent. Yukisada scrunched up his nose, and tucked his face in his scarf. With every step, the cries grew louder. He finally reached the center of the cave. There he found the weeping wolf, cowering under a mountain of blankets


Then it was silent

"Leave me alone."

Yukisada took a few more steps closer to hos friend. "Shiro! We need to talk! Please come with me!"

From the pile arose the boy. His face was drenched in blood; the source being a gash in his head. It was fresh. Blood oozed out quickly.

"Shiro! A-Are you alright?! When did this happen?!"

He remained silent. Only occasional sniffles, and sneezes.

"....How long have you been here?"

"...........3 days......."

As soon as those words escaped his moth, he burst into tears. They left Shirogane's red face and froze once they hit the ice flooring. Yukisada approached the wolf cautiously, wrapping his arm  over Shiro's shoulder.

"Please, Shiro, come home."

"But," Shirogane chocked, "You hate me! You think I'm useless don't you?"

The owl looked shocked. What in the world would make him think he was worthless, unless.....

Yukisada looked into Shirogane's eyes, "Was it Idate again? Did he tell you all this?"

"No, I mean he did but...

...You've been ignoring me for so long, I figured you were mad at me...."

The owl sighed. "No, I don't hate you! In fact..."

"What?" Shirogane started anxiously at his friend.

Yukisada took a dead breath. This was it, this was the day. Now was the perfect time!

"Shirogane, I was ignoring you because....because.....I really really..."

"Hate me??"

"No!......I....like......you. No more like I..........love you..." Yukisada softly sobbed. He stared back at his friend to look for a response, but saw nothing but a blank expression.

"You...love me?"

"....yeah, I really, really....love you....."

That's when the wolf jumped onto the owl, throwing him to the floor. Shirogane was hugging the owl tightly, showing no sign of ever letting go. Yukisada was about to say something, but he decided it was better not to.

He wanted this to last.

"Hey Yuki?"
"Yes, Shiro?"
"I can see the light..."

Yukisada immediately pulled away, "I'm sorry you need treatment! Lets go home quickly!" He lifted the wolf up onto his back, obviously strained by the weight but determined to help.

"Thank you Yuki." Shirogane mumbled, "when we get home, let's cook something tasty..."

"I'd love too. We'll make your favorite!"

Yukisada couldn't help but smile; the pain in his heart now gone was replaced with the overwhelming warmth he yearned for.


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