Chapter 1

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Tony's P.O.V.

The night wind hits my skin as I walk down the lighted sidewalk. I glance at the name I my wrist as I walk. Mike. I sigh and look around, my eyes landing on a shivering person on the ground. I walk closer to them, wondering if they were okay. 'It's things like this that will get you killed.' I roll my eyes at my thought as I get closer to the figure. They were shivering and had their eyes closed. I crouch down and speak. "Hey kid," I say. Their eyes shoot open, cringing away harshly.

"Chill, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise," I say softly. He looks at me with wide brown eyes. "Can you move?" I ask as I take in his bruised body. He shakes his head slightly, winching in pain. "I'm going to pick you up and take you to my apartment, okay?" I ask nicely, looking him dead in the eyes. He shakes his head no. "Please, I jut want to help you," I say with a pleading edge. I just get a head shake again. I move my hand and he flinches violently. "Hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you," I coo. We stare into each other's eyes and he finally gives a nod after sitting there for a few minutes. I stand up before carefully bending down and picking him up.

I feel his body trembling in my arms and I start walking the direction I came from too my apartment. We arrive after a few minutes and we go in the elevator. "Can you stand?" I ask as we stop in front of my door. He shrugs, barely noticeable. I sigh. "Hold on tight then kid," I mutter and he does so. I reach one hand into my pocket, unstable as he starts falling. I quickly balance us and unlock the door before shutting it behind me. I lay the guy down on my couch before going and getting a washcloth and some other stuff. I go back out to the living room where the kid is almost asleep.

"Hey, don't sleep yet," I demand softly. His eyes snap open and he stares at me as I come closer. "I'm gonna take off your shirt, okay?" I ask. He hesitantly nods and slowly stretches his arms up for me. I peel off the shirt before grabbing the washcloth and start to clean the cuts. After I finish cleaning them I get a good look at his bruised ribs. "Hey, I'm just going to see if your ribs are broken, okay?" I ask and he nods. I gently press on his ribs and he hisses in pain, the first sound he's made since I've met him. I feel around before deciding they're not broken and start applying rubbing alcohol to the cuts. He winces and clenches his jaw. I finish and put antibiotic cream on the cuts before bandaging them up.

"Okay, my clothes might be baggy on you, but I'll let you borrow some," I smile and he nods. I go into my room and grab sweatpants and a t-shirt before grabbing some ibuprofen out of the medicine cabinet. I go back and grab a bottle of water from the fridge before standing next to him. I hand him the pills and water and he takes them silently, swallowing to pills before drinking the water. "So, let's go to the bathroom and you can get changed in there why I set up the guest room, okay?" I ask. He nods and I help him up. We slowly make our way to the bathroom before finally getting there. I set the clothes on the sink after he sits on the toilet lid. "I'll be back," I inform him before gently shutting the door behind me. I go to the closet and get a set of sheets along with pillow cases and a comforter.

I go into the guestroom and take off the old sheets, pillowcases and comforter before putting the new ones on. I put the dirty stuff next to the washer before deciding to check on the kid. I knock on the door. "C-come in," a scratchy voice replies. I open the door and the kid is pulling on my shirt. I have to admit it looks cute on him. I shake my head at the thought and smile. "So he talks," I joke. He nods and smiles. "Okay, well, let's get you into bed, because you look worn out," I sigh. "C-Can I call my brother?" he croaks out. I nod and pull my phone out of my back pocket before handing it to him after unlocking it. He dials a number and puts it to his ear. "V-Vic, it's me.....Yes...N-no....Th-this guy found me and helped me....O-Okay," he croaks before holding out the phone to me. I give him a confused look. "H-he wants to talk to you," he informs me. I nod and take the phone.

"Hello?" I ask. "Are you planning on doing anything to my brother? I can have the police on your ass in five minutes if need be. If you even lay a hand on him I will cut you," the guy threatens. "What? Do you think I'm some sick creep or something? Like, dude, chilax," I sigh. "Well, you could be some forty year old man that likes eighteen year olds," the guys defends. "Well, I'm only twenty two and I'm a generally nice person who has a soft spot in their hearts for hurt people," I reply. "Okay, but tell me one thing," the guy demands. "What?" I ask. "How bad is he?" his voice breaks.

"Nothing is broken, some bruises and cuts though," I reply honestly. "Okay, hey, thanks a lot. I was worried to death about him. He's my little bro. Can you guys meet me tomorrow? If it's not too much to ask because i worry about him a lot," the guy rushes out. "Nah, it's cool. When and where?" I ask. "Dunkin Donuts near Starbucks. Stupid placement if you ask me," he chuckles. "Yeah, no problem," I chuckle. "Okay, thanks again, uh, what's your name?" he asks. "Tony," I reply. I hear both guys gasp. "What?" I ask. "Nothing. Anyways, thanks again. Meet me at twelve, okay?" he asks. "Sure thing," I smile. We hang up and I put my phone in my pocket.

I scoop up the kid and carry him into the guest room. "If you need anything, I'm right across the hall," I tell him. "Okay, thank you," he croaks. "No problem. Night kid, sweet dreams," I smile before turning off the light and going to my room. I change into pajamas and brush my teeth before plugging in my phone. I turn off the light and climb under my covers, falling into a peaceful sleep.

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