Overprotective Parents

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If your parents are overprotective, that's okay. To an EXTENT!
But if you're 15 years old and your mama still walks you to school and holds your hand all the way to your first class, it's time for her to let go.
Chances are, it's not you who wants to be babied, it's your parent(s) that want to baby you. Maybe it's because you're their only child or the fact that you're their final child.
They don't wanna see you grow up. But you have no choice. You will grow up.
Overprotective parents are awful. My mom is not overprotective anymore. I'm sure I can live on my own if the law would fucking let me. She doesn't care if I use the stove, climb on the roof, play with fire. . .its all apart of growing up.
New experiences. It's unhealthy for your parents to smother you, because when you leave for college, you won't be ready to be out in the real world. You'll be clinging to your parents for dear life.
If your little sister is 5 years old and up and your mama is still breastfeeding her, it's time for her to let go. Yes, this is real.
And if you're still being breastfed. . .I don't know what to say. I don't think breastfeeding is overprotecting your child, but I think there's a problem if your mom is letting you drink from her before you go off to high school in the morning.
I dunno about you, but I was never breastfed. My mom fed me formula, and that let her let go of me early. I don't know, I see all these moms at the day are breastfeeding their three-year-olds, and I'm thinking, "How are they supposed to let go if they're literally attached to their mother all the time?"
If you baby your kids too much, they will be so dependent on you that they will never wanna leave. That may be what you want, but do you really want to be 60+ years old and having your 30+ year-old-son living in the basement? No.
I don't like the parents who feel the need to call 911 every time their kid falls and scrapes their knee. Chill, man, they're not dying.
I can't stand the parents who make their kids wear a sweater and a jacket in 80 degree weather. You're going to cry when they pass out from heat exhaustion.
I can't stand the parents who won't let their kids even think about dating until they're 18. I think about dating and I'm only 14. My mom doesn't care.
I can't stand the parents who won't let their kids have candy. Not even on Halloween! One or two pieces of candy will not damage them, I promise you.
I can't stand the parents who hold they're child's hand while her and her boyfriend/girlfriend are on a date! What???
Stop smothering your children, parents! It's bad!
Please, for your kid's sake! You want them to grow up healthy. So stop smothering them.
(I don't know where I was going with the breast feeding thing. Lol.)
I have so much homework and it's due on Friday. All of it. But on the bright side, my horror comics came in! I'm such a die hard fan of horror comics!
And my teacher brought me Anna Dressed in Blood today! It's so good so far! So I've got two amazing things to read!
If I'm not on much, don't worry, I'm just doing homework and reading. We aren't far from Friday, so yay for the weekend!
Fact about me: Sometimes I see things that are not there.
Sierra 🌟

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