Overused themes, cliche plots etc...

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Hello lovely people of Orange land! We are now gathered here to start a new show called "RANTING"

*cuts the ribbon*

Disclaimer alert! There may be loads of sarcasm, idiocracy, humor and a bit of swearing. If you can't handle it then I will ask you to kindly leave this platform instead of proceeding further because there is enough havoc already and I don't want little cyclones and tornadoes to erupt as I have my own volcanoes.


I am in no way criticizing or trying to offend someone here. I am just going to state a few things that I noticed on wattpad and if you go ape shit on me, I will go ballistic on you! I REPEAT GO BACK IF YOU ARE ON OF THOSE CRAZY RANDOM PEOPLE ALWAYS FIGHTING WITH PEOPLE OVER THE INTERNET.

Ok I will be a hypocrite if I say that I don't like cliché stuffs but hold on your horses! There is something called limit which has been ran over a gazillion times. I do like to read something mushy and romantic because life is hard enough and we all love a bit of cheesy and sappy stuffs.

Some of the hot and popular books these days are based on Mafia, Werewolves, vampires, Millionaires or CEO, Marriages, Bad boys, Celebrities which are mostly singers *coughs* 1D *coughs*

You would have come across so many books based on the above cadre right? At least once?

Let's start with the Mafia based books first. There are amazing spectacular books based on mafia gangs but some books are bleh. I have come across certain books where these few things were common. The Dangerous Mafia Man is always less than 30 years old, is always super fucking hot and has a snobby attitude, some issues, will kidnap some female and then poop rainbows and unicorns with her after a while! Mafia's have better work to do then to take hold of some random chick they see across a street or in some café and they will definitely not be flipping pancakes for you early in the morning SHIRTLESS WITH HIS 6-8 PACKS ON DISPLAY FOY YOU TO LICK AND EAT. They will not find your sassiness or shy nature cute. They will most probably take out a gun and Bam shoot you right on then and there.

Werewolves and vampires! When I started reading books on wattpad I added so many books of this section because I had so much interest in reading such kind of books but then the hook dropped off after a while. WHY IS THE CHICK ALWAYS CHASED BY THE GUY WHO ALWAYS TURNS OUT TO BE THE ALPHA OF THE PACK? The pack is filled with so many people but no, the story will be about the alpha growling "MINE" 24*7 and is hell bent on marking his mate who doesn't not like her alpha or is going away from him to protect him but later on they mate like there is no tomorrow. The people of the pack are not given much light in the book but it is only the main Alpha and the running away Luna of some pack.

I was reading a book where this dude was spending some alone time with a chick somewhere in the beach or grassy area and this author puts on a note saying something like this, I am sorry but I forgot to tell you all this but the main character of this book is a guy and I am feeling shy to write what is going to happen next. *blushes hard*

The chick will be thinking to herself "Oh my. I can't believe that I am sitting alone with him in a secluded area. I feel so naughty." Then the dude looks up to her and grabs her under his body and winks at her telling "Babe I am a vampire and I read your thoughts. Let's make your thoughts into a reality."

Ok so the book was going yipide dipide doo for like 20 chapters and then the dude tells that he is a vampire? Only when the chick next to him is feeling naughty he spoke that he could read minds. *yawns*

Next category, Millionaires or CEO.

Guilty but not guilty I was one of those teenagers who used to love reading such books but then later on I was like "excuse moi but could you please staap eit?"

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