Things about me!

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I had been tagged by so many people for this 'Things about me' challenge so now I have finally decided to write down a few basic things about myself before I start my rant book . You stalkers want to know more about me?
Ok so here I go!

1) I have no male friends at all. I have studied in an all girls school and now I'm in an only girls college. The only time I was in co-ed was Kindergarten.
I've interacted very less with the opposite sex so I have no male friend's. I had a few during my childhood but they all re - located somewhere.

2) I've had many embarrassing encounters in my life and I have lost count of it. Someday I'll write down those stories for you guys to laugh your arses off( the future chapters in my rant book)

3) I would have adopted approx 10 random stray cats and made them my pets but then they all left when they found a soul mate.
The last cat I had owned, I named her meow because she couldn't meow so I thought naming her meow would make her feel better.

4)I love potatoes. Potatoes are bae♡ potatoes are life. I call my readers orange potatoes because... just because I want to.
I'm so obsessed with potatoes I tell people I follow potatoism. I potato you readers so much ♡

5) I had been picked upon and bullied in school because I was a bit curvy and my nose was big and to top that I couldn't speak English properly.
I hated one of my English teachers the most because she used to openly disgrace my non ability in forming a proper sentence in English. I'll never forget that lady in my life for what she did to me.

I think I'm going negative so I'm going to talk positive now

6) When I was small I thought condoms were just important fancy colored balloons.

7) I love the color blue, purple and black. I love dark colors because they signify darkness. Lol that doesn't even make any sense.

8) I'm basically a Punjabi girl residing in chennai and no I'm not a sardarni; I'm a mona-Punjabi (I'm a Hindu brahmin not a Sikh)

9) My hobbies keep changing! I used to make handicrafts then I switched to sketching, cooking, studying about coins and stamps, photography and now currently my hobby is writing which has developed into passion.

10) oh I just remember a horrorish incident!There was a time when I was roaming outside the street near my home and I saw something floating in the air with red eye's and then I ran away. It was effing scary shit and many time's where ever I am or where ever I go I feel that there is some sort of presence. It's like the presence can see you but you can't see it and it's terrifying at so many levels and I'm getting goosebumps by just writing about it. I believe that is good exists, bad spirits also exist because the world needs a balance.

11) I used to have long hair and I could sit on my hair but now my hair is short and people call me cauliflower head because of the curls that spring around my head. I say a cauliflower is beautiful than my hair.

12) I know English , hindi, punjabi and tamil.

13) I want to be a travel writer someday.

14) I like talking to people but if the party is not intrested I don't talk to them. There was this one person who kept messaging me 'Hi' and I was like Hey there and you know what that person said?
HI ! And then we messaged each other HI back and forth xD

15) I suck at dancing and singing.
I fear numbers and I loathe maths and the last time I studied maths was during my 10th grade. I have a fear of talking to people on stage.
I mean just imagine you are on stage and there are 1000 people watching you. That means 2000 eye balls and if they all have a phone they would be capturing your embarrassing moment with their phone so 1,000 people + 2,000 eyeballs + 1,000 phone eye's! Then more people watching your photos and videos online after your audience uploads it!

16) I'm scared of jokers. I had a joker stuff toy and I kept getting nightmares; The joker was constantly coming in my dreams. He always carried sharp weapons instead of balloons!
I swear he was coming in my dreams to haunt me so I gave my joker to my aunt who had a habit of sitting on stuff toys and I never took him back again.

I wanted my aunt to crush the toy and trap the soul beneath her weight. Screw me for being scared!

17) I love Lilly singh A.K.A superwoman, deepika padukone, Kareena kapoor Cameron Diaz , Priyanka chopra ♡

18) I like to talk to people but I stopped making friends because not just once but many a times in my life when I needed my friends the most, they turned their backs to me. The people who I trusted with everything broke ... no no shattered and ripped my feelings so now I have a bit of trust issues so I don't make friends and keep them at acquaintance stage.

19) I have a wild imagination. You tell me something and my mind starts gearing so many things and bam I bounce off into a wicked la la land of my own and yes I have a dirty mind at times so whatever you speak, I can turn it into something dirty.

20) I can touch my nose with my tongue!

21) I don't know why but I have an obsession with Australia and I want to visit that country for no specific reason.
I also want to visit Germany, Switzerland and Canada.
I can only dream of going to these places! Lol xD I have never been outside India *cries*

22) I have seen Amir Khan In chennai once during an award programme. I tried to wave at him but he was shorter than me so he couldn't see me at all and then I left. Lol

23) I have made more good friends through wattpad than in my real life. I have no life other than wattpad now.

24) I love Nick bateman, Salman Khan, Akshay kumar, Enrique Iglesias, Varun Dhawan♡
Mind you but I love Salman since my diaper days and I hate people who dislike him. *Sticks tongue out*

25) I won't say I'm a really nice person because some situations demanded me to turn myself nasty xD

what more do you want to know?
I'm done!

Phew somehow I manged to write this things about me and I know you guys got bored but here is a Cotton candy for you all who wasted your time reading this xD

I tag no one! Proceed to do this if you want to :)

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