Only Hope

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When I turned fourteen I had this overwhelming epiphany that I was going to do something amazing one day that would affect someone’s life; maybe even my own. It might have been a young girl’s hope to do something different then all the things her friends always gushed about doing, be different, possibly, or maybe it was the fact that the day this happened I had just finished watching a Walk to Remember.

Either way, I was caught in this idolism that I would, in fact, witness, or create, a miracle to be proud of one day—and not one that my popular music producer father could pull out for me.

Ever since my mother had passed away it had been just the two of us. And he seemingly wanted to do everything for me; including creating miracles for me. Even with him being rarely in my life, too busy with work, he often told me, I knew it all meant one thing. It still hurt, even after six years, to look at his daughter that resembled his long time wife so much.

When I figured I would create a miracle one day, I didn’t believe it would be what I was doing right now.

“Leave him alone, Josh!” I scowled as my eyes narrowed into slits.

In front of me was Josh Sanders, with brown hair and lazy green eyes, captain of the football team and total meat head, who was gripping the tie of a boy that lay underneath him who’d accidently brushed against me.

I knew that he’d meant nothing by it, given by how he didn’t seem to be paying attention as his black hair hung over his face and foggy glasses as unknown music blared in his ear drums. Before I could even respond, Josh had tackled him down and grabbed him by the throat.

Sometimes I wondered why I even bothered with Josh. Originally it was to be nice because of how big of a fan he was of this older band, Green Day, that my dad had helped produce, and I suppose he found it a good way of being close to them. Because apparently being friends with me meant he was in touch with my dad who worked with the band. Yeah, that was it.

Also, I had a feeling that he had a small crush on me. That or he wanted to get into my pants like the other boys at Eastview; most had bets because it was “such a big deal for the popular producer guy’s daughter to be going to school with us.” I think was also partly because I didn’t want to be rude and have it backlash onto my social life. Most of the girls at our school had a thing for him and my friends always told me how jealous they were of me and him being contacts. I realised that if we didn’t speak, then neither would my friends.

“Why should I?! You saw what he did, Chloe!” he growled, purposely flexing his muscles as the boy underneath him began to struggle impatiently.

The boy, or guy, actually seemed to not really care as he laid back and continued to listen to the music ringing in his ears. His shaggy dark hair and glasses still shaded his face from me and I became somewhat curious to who he was.

“What? Walk into me by accident?! Let him go Josh.” My voice grew threatening.

Josh gave a disgruntled growl as he began to release the boy from his clutch and stand. The boy slackened into the wall and I slowly became aware of the crowd that had arisen during the confrontation. Like it isn’t odd for Josh to pick a fight with someone for just walking wrong, I grumbled internally.

“Enough people! Shows over!” I shouted, throwing my hands up to motion for everyone to leave. Shouldering Josh in the process, much to my gain, before quickly throwing him an apologetic smile. He didn’t seem to notice the hidden meaning behind it.

“I should get going.” Josh gave me a half smile, “See you at lunch?”

I nodded quickly as he gave me a quick wink before turning his back to me. Good thing he turned or he might have noticed the unpleasant finger I gave him.

Soon I turned to face the guy on the ground who I now noticed was accompanied by three other figures, looking him over. I didn’t give further glance at the three because I was too focused on the growing red welt planted on the boys face.

“Hey,” I said, kneeling down next to the boy and bringing my hand up to gently graze his face where the welt was. “Are you okay?”

With the blink of an eye my hand was slapped away and I retracted my hand away quickly, shocked by glares a received from the four.

“I would be okay if you kept your hands to yourself.” The guy said, slowly rising with the other four.

I winced at the threat in his voice before bringing my eyes up to another set of enclosed eyes, shaded by a black hoodie. Most of his face was covered but I still could notice the small strands of blonde hair seeping outside the hoodie. His lips opened from their thin line, “Girl’s like you are such nuisances”

Shock overwhelmed me and I noticed the four figures slowly exit without another word. Apparently they all agreed that my concern was a nuisance, a hindrance!

They left without a further glance and I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions; rage, annoyance, hurt, and many others.

So much for witnessing a miracle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2011 ⏰

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