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Now before I start this rant... I know I already posted this compilation of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Osu... Why? It's because the OST's here are so beautiful and relaxing... And lastly... For those who like to decipher almost every single song you hear in our generation (YOU KNOW YOURSELVES!) this rant is for you... 

Okay... Okay... So... One thing that I also have issues with my family is Music...

This is also one thing that pisses me off every single time a person starts to complain about music... (specifically pertaining to the adults who complain about my music every single damn time...)


Is it because our new generation music has a better tone?

Or is it because of the lyrics? 

What is music to you?... I mean BE HONEST HERE...

Music for me is also that one thing that can connect others... Not only anime... Or League... Or anything that can relate to a group...

Why do you have to decipher the lyrics?

Is it the first thing that you notice? Why not the beat of the music? The melody of the music? Just like the one you are listening to know... (If you ever listened to this track, I swear you will love this, I promise :) For those who don't then... Who the fuck cares, right? I mean, it's your choice, your music.)

This is also why earphones are so important to me so that if I'm with people who tend to complain or make fun of the songs that I'm listening to, I would just bring them out and bam... I'm now flying solo with my comfort zone...

-->Before I continue this rant... I really recommend to listen to this soundtrack that I've used for this rant. I promise you. Even if it's just instrumental genre, I'm sure you'll love it :) Like they say, there's no harm in listening to new music, right? What are you gonna lose if you try to listen to something new?<--

Okay so back to real talk.

 What's the difference between old and new music? Who invented music? There are a lot of composers out there who made music at their time. Did anyone complain? No. Did anyone made a conspiracy about it and preached that it has demonic contents or some shit? No. They enjoyed music. They enjoyed the melody of music. Every single note of that music meant different to the composer. To be honest, I may not be a composer or a singer, but I have a huge passion for music. But once I snap, I'll start complaining about old music (specifically the really old ones.)

Music is Music people... Remember that... Even if it's bad, at least they're trying to show their talent to the world. Who cares if it's good or bad. Music is for entertainment. Well, yeah, I know some songs out there that are trending, and a lot of people are complaining and a lot are having fun listening to it. The truth is, music is a free-for-all. Yeah, there are a lot of genres out there, some would just stick to one, some are a variety of listeners like me. Why? Because I find music relaxing. If I don't like the song, then I'll just search for a new one. I won't rant about it. Why would I? 

There was this one time about Ed Sheran's Thinking Out Loud conspiracy and I got infuriated. Why? I know that others made it for the fun of it, but for, they disrespected him. Such song would be disrespected by thousands of people around the world. Deep within me, Ed wouldn't do that kind of stuff. A voice of a dead kid in a song? What bullshit is this? You're trying to make fun of a song just for the sake of having fun? That has gone way too overboard for me. And, another thing for me to be honest, I also have some singers and bands to disrespect but, as time went by, I just learned how to respect them for who they are and what they do. They are also humans like us. That microchip thing my religion says and other religions say? That's complete bullshit. Just because new songs are being published everyday and their music is being forgotten they would make up stuff like that? Say that I'm an atheist. I don't care. I'm not an atheist and stop assuming that I'm one just because of this rant. Why? Do you even have the right to complain about the music that they make? Yeah, you may have a bit, but don't always complain and say that they are all going to hell. Stop. Please. If you already know that then just shut the fuck up. Okay? Say that I'm going to hell. Whatever. I'm just ranting to cool myself down. Like I said, we all have something to rant about. We just have to choose what we should rant carefully. You do your rants while I do mine.    

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