Chapter 15 : Coward

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Nijicchi's Nonsense: It's been a while, no? That drawing above is my attempt in doing an illustration for a certain part in this chapter XD I dunno, it feels kinda weird, but at least it looks decent enough? Enjoy reading~! Again, comments are still <3 ! XD


Haizaki didn't show up to morning practice. Nijimura and Akashi didn't expect him to come for a while. No matter how much of a bastard he was, even he should at least have sufficient brain power to make the right decision of not showing his self to them for a while.


"Akashi-chan, are you really sure that you're not dating Captain?" Miki asked. This again? Only that time, it was just Akashi and Miki who were taking the towels that morning. The redhead wasn't exactly feeling fine. She was a little feverish; it wasn't really that bad so she still went to school. Her grip was a little weaker than normal and her balance was kinda off, but nonetheless, she was fine.

"I'm sure," the redhead replied. "May I ask what made that question resurface?"

"Yesterday, Nijimura-senpai rushed after you," Miki explained, "After knowing that Haizaki-kun went went back to the school building again with a creepy smile, and that you went back to your classroom, he quickly dashed off!"

That explains why he was there, "Are you saying that just that was enough reason to raise such a question?"

Could someone possibly had seen them while... Hugging?

"Then you two left the school together didn't you?" Miki asked excitedly.

Akashi took a deep breath. She didn't want to tell anyone about what really happened yesterday; she didn't even want to think about it. "We just bumped into each other," she lied.

Miki didn't seem convinced but she didn't press any further. She just thought to herself that the two would get together sooner or later anyway.


Nijimura did his best to act normal. Act normal. Act normal. Oh how do you act normal again after holding a certain girl close enough to smell her scent?

Morning practice had ended and all the members were going to their classrooms. Nijimura watched Akashi closely because something seemed off. Isn't she a little sluggish? They had walked side by side, and there were instances where Akashi slightly lost her balance and bumped her shoulder to his sending electricity to him through the brief contact(though he wasn't sure if she felt the same).

"Akashi," he stopped walking.

"Hmm?" she was a few steps ahead when she stopped, so she had to look back to meet his eyes. Before she could fully turn, Nijimura had took a step, bent down and cradled her face as he pressed his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes and made no sign of moving away. She's hot, literally(maybe figuratively too--wait scratch that, he wasn't supposed to think about that or he might do something indecent). The redhead's neck was warm under his palms.

Akashi was too surprised to even move; they were so close their noses were already touching. When Nijimura moved away, Akashi released the breath she didn't realize she was holding. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Don't push yourself too much, you're a little feverish," he said. "And your face is a little flushed too,"

Akashi looked away and gripped her bag tightly. She looked at the ground intently before answering, "But it has nothing to do with being feverish."

"Oh," He slightly blushed as he realized what she was saying. At least I have that effect on her. Akashi immediately excused herself and left him standing there alone. He bit his lip trying to fight back the smile that was threatening to appear on his lips. So much for not falling for her.

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