Chapter 14 : Twisted Logic

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Nijimura laid wide awake in his bed pondering about the universe and a thousand more questions.

What lies beyond the Solar System? More stars? Will they change their mind and consider Pluto a planet again? Why is it that all the other planets were named after Roman gods? When will the Martians pay a visit to our planet? Is there really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? What really happened to the dinosaurs? How the hell did they go extinct? Why am I even thinking? Why didn't Santa build his workshop at the South Pole? Why are violets blue? And blackboards green? What does red really symbolize? Love or hate?


Nijimura's thoughts drifted off to a certain redhead; something he's been trying not to do. It was the very reason why he kept his self busy with random questions in the first place. He wanted to stop his self before he could get any deeper, before it could get too hard to turn back.

I'm giving you an excuse to be with her more than necessary Izumi had told him on that night when she insisted on driving him home. An excuse? To hell with that, it's a torture.


"That guy's been going to practice a lot lately, isn't he?" Aomine remarked looking at their silver-haired teammate.

"Zaki-chin is not being Zaki-chin," Murasakibara commented.

"I wonder where the real him went," Aomine said.

"Why don't you just rest yourselves instead of wasting your energy there?" Midorima told them.

"You're starting to sound like Akashi-the male one- are you trying to take his place?" Aomine reclaimed.

"Of course not, you idiot," Midorima grumbled.

"I wonder where Akashicchi is now," Kise butted in. They fell into silence after the blonde's statement. Akashi Seijuuro just suddenly stopped coming to school and then his twin sister just suddenly appeared days after; it was just too strange. It was barfing sounds from their sixth man that broke their silence.

"Kurokocchi!" Kise and Aomine quickly tended to the teal-haired teen.

"What the hell? He's still throwing up?" Nijimura asked his face twisted slightly in mixed surprise and disgust.

"He'll be fine, Senpai," Aomine assured their captain. Their raven-haired captain just sighed and gave them his signature scowl.

"Just make him rest afterwards," he told them. Nijimura sat down on the nearest bench to rest his self. He had started disliking break time during practice because he's got nothing to distract himself with. Break time had become the time when his eyes wouldn't even need to look for Akashi because he had always managed to see her when he starts to think about her. Just what the hell was he supposed to do with his self?

"Senpai," he instantly straightened his back when he heard her voice just behind him, but slouched almost right after. He leaned his head backwards to look at her and was surprised to see her face upside down hovering over his. Shit, is it just me or are her cheeks really red?

"What, Akashi?" he asked. She narrowed her eyes at him for a couple of seconds before she draped a towel over his eyes making him lose sight of her slightly flushed cheeks.

"Nothing, it can wait for later," the sound of her footsteps got softer and softer as the distance between them increased. Nijimura straightened his neck and let the towel fall on his lap. He tried to stop his self from following her with his eyes; sadly, it had become an unbreakable habit.


Akashi could almost confirm the feelings that were welled up in her chest. She could hear her heart beating loudly, but she can't succumb to those feelings, definitely not now. She's got more important things to do. Really, like what? An inner voice asked. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. She didn't have an answer.

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