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i forgot to add intro in the first page soo hello!! im pretty excited for this story i hope you enjoy! aa pls bear with my easily overwhelmed self and slow updates. thank you for reading!! i really appreciate your votes and comments omg thank uuu [i added something in the last chapter btw]

"are you kidding me now" i whispered under my breath, staring blankly at the piece of paper in front of me with a red mark on it. 46. this isn't funny.

"shouldn't i be the one asking you that" the middle aged women responded as she walked past me, going back to her table in front of the class.

i let my head fall onto my desk. on the piece of paper i'm going to burn, to be exact. "well i'm 11 points closer to 100 than the last time" i mumbled, quite enough for only myself to hear.

the test felt like it only lasted for 8 minutes. i followed the formulas well and i was almost confident about that. but this is just another example that if it seems easy, you're doing it wrong.

the bell rang just when the teacher was about to say something. she didn't hesitate though, "you can retake the test any day before friday" she half-yelled, "but i prefer tuesday or wednesday. she added, lowering down her voice as the bell stopped.

i turned my head to the unamused boy a few sits behind my right. "my place now??" i mouthed, the rest of the class started to gather their stuffs, getting ready to leave and go home. he crossed his arms in the air and mouthed back, "no" as he shook his head. "i gotta go" he said in his normal voice. he zipped up his backpack and ran off.

i sighed, folding the paper in half and slipped it in between my notebook. what's the point of retaking a test if you still can't do shit. just when i was about to drink from my water bottle someone took it from my grip and started to drink like crazy.

"ah, now i know why girls always bring water bottle" he stood straight, wiping off his mouth with the back of his hand, breathing heavily. when the other one hand me back my bottle.

"you're welcome" i zipped my bag and stood up, loosely slinging a strap on my right shoulder.

"yah c'mon, i almost got beat up by some big ass jocks" we started to make our way out to the hallway.

"what why"

"because i whispered it's okay to be a little gay sometimes in the changing room" the blonde boy casually put his hands in his front pocket.

"my only question is still why" i unlocked my phone to see the time, and locked it back right after.

he paused and closed his eyes, shaking his head, "girl trust me, you don't want to know"



and with that soonyoung's wild experience ended. we went through the hallway in a queue, me leading in the front and him, following me with his hands on my shoulders. the hallway wasn't even that crowded, but it just became a habit to walk in a line like that instead of walking side to side.


"you didn't talk to her??!" i stirred the remaining soup in my cup, we ended up getting cup noodles, some stuffed bun, and flavored milk from some store instead because we were hungry and a scoop of ice cream wouldn't even stay for 5 minutes.

"i did!!" he cried, after recklessly sipping the hot mushroom flavored soup from his cup.

"asking what day is today doesn't count" i crumpled the tissue paper i used to wipe my mouth with and put it into my noodle cup, leaning back to the red plastic chair i'm sitting on. i'm so full i couldn't breath.

"it was so awkward, yeji. you'd probably cry just by hearing me. and that's not all! she asked me about the goldfish and told me not to forget to feed him but-"

"oh my god soonyoung wait," i cut him off and paused, sitting up straight with eyes widened and hands on the table. "how long can a goldfish stay alive without food..."

he was about to say something when i continued, "BECAUSE i totally forgot that he's a living creature and you didn't even give me the food???" i said quickly, slightly sounded like questioning him.

"that's because i totally forgot that he needs food AND i don't have fish food" he calmly said with that shit i'm dead expression on his face.

"she gave you love and you throw it away"

"how was the fish this morning?" he asked, completely focused. i paused for a moment as he waited for my answer.

i sighed, "i'm such a bad friend i don't deserve you let's just unfriend."

"HE'S DEAD?!" he freaked out. he liked her enough to not want to let her down.

"NO that's not it. i meant i didn't even check on him this morning" i answered. he stayed still.

"oh come on," i rolled my eyes and stood up, lazily grabbing the strap of my bag, "let's go to the pet shop near town. if it's less than 3000 won then it's on me because it was also my fault after all."

but he stayed still, either he's still shocked or he's just to lazy to go back. "get up now or he's getting flushed off my toile-"


i got 34/100 for math test last thursday yeji is basically me only a bit better. [i dont really like long chapters so i split the original idea for this chapter in two, next chapter should be up soon!]

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