"here" - alessia cara

92 12 9

(i'm using the system my school uses for clases, if you're confused, don't be afraid to ask a question!)

TWO - Bible Boy.

Michael slouched in his seat. He's really tired of hearing teachers babble on and on about their back stories, he honestly couldn't care less. He's got one male teacher who's from America, he's a total babe, obviously Michael's favorite. Michael's got one last class until his elective, and then he can go home, or to Ashton's to smoke some dope.

Michael spots the blonde boy from this morning walk into class, he's learned that his name is Luke. Michael doesn't understand what Luke is wearing. All the guys wear leather or denim jackets with band shirts underneath them. Other dudes would be dressed in dress shirts and khakis with sweaters around their necks. Hell, some guys even wear big gold chains and really big jeans that revealed their underwear. This Luke kid was wearing a big pastel sweater with funky designs, it looked like it was found in the women's department. Michael found it odd that he didn't mind so much that the new kid could possibly be wearing women's clothes, even with big, broad shoulders, the big sweater made him look dainty and small.

Michael got a glimpse of the pimples on the side of the blonde's face as he walked by him to take the seat behind Michael. Now Michael was very confused, how did the boy manage to make acne look so good. His hair laid flat against his forehead, Michael wondered what his hair would look like gelled up into a quiff.


Michael nearly groaned as his teacher droned on about her life at home, he wanted to scream about how much he didn't care. He was hoping the elective he chose, photography, would be more careless and free, but his teacher was strict and had high expectations. Michael watched the clock tick and nearly drooled into his palm. Two more minutes.

Luke was in Bible study, he had actually made some friends and really enjoyed the class. He was always able to answer the questions, this was most definitely his favorite part of the move, aside from the boy in denim he sat next to on the bus, he was dreamy. But--Luke could never like a boy, his Step-Dad would never permit it. He knows his Mom wouldn't mind, though.

Luke pouted when the bell rang, he gathered up his things and headed toward the bus, only to by stopped by someone knocking his books out of his hands, "Watch where you're going, Bible boy." Two boys snickered and walked off. Luke sighed and began to gather his things, hoping he wouldn't miss the bus. Luke huffed in annoyance when his Mom's sweater continuously rolled down past his fingertips.

Michael had watched everything from the window of the bus, he knows he should have helped, but he looked away and stared at the teared up seat in front of him. The bus began to move, slowly in line with the others. Michael looked back and saw the blonde boy frowning and looking straight into his eyes.

"Lisa, hey! Stop the bus!" Michael yelled, putting his headphones around his neck and standing up and rushing down the aisle. The blonde boy looked up timidly when he heard heavy footsteps approaching him quickly. "C'mon, follow me. Let's go."

Luke followed after the handsome boy, stepping onto the bus and letting the punk drag him to the back seat. He ignored the weird and long stares he received. Luke sat down next to Michael and opened his mouth to thank Michael, only to have a finger pressed against his lips and a hush noise along with it. Michael slipped his headphones on and slipped away, his finger nearly tingling cause, damn, that boy had plump lips. Michael just wanted to touch them again.

Luke smiled to himself and dazed off, he thinks this Michael kid could grow on him.


its like 28276226 am and im tired as fUck sHIT goodnight cutie pa tooties

im so sleepy iwant cuddles bye :-(

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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