The blonde just shook his head, and upon seeing Mitch's semi-curious expression, he just said "Kirstin."

After a couple minutes of silence, Scott asked, "So do you even like coffee?"

Mitch rolled his eyes. Of course he did.

"Alright, alright, I was just asking!"

Mitch poked his arm.

"Well, obviously I like it, or I wouldn't be taking you to a cafe, dummy!" He passed an exit, but went right on ahead.

Another poke.

"What?" he turned to glance out his rearview mirror, where he noticed the giant green sign behind him.

"Oh. Dammit." He sighed, then looked at Mitch, who was laughing silently.

"Shut up! It's not like I know where I'm supposed to be going or anything!" This only made Mitch laugh more.

"Ugh but honestly, I cannot believe I missed that exit. Thanks for pointing that out, babe."

Mitch nodded hesitantly and shifted slightly.

"Oh, um, sorry, is it okay if I...if I call you that?" Scott hadn't even noticed that he'd said it, and now felt too embarrassed to be comfortable.

Mitch sat still for a moment, then shrugged, then nodded. Then nodded again.

"Okay. Um. Cool. Sorry." He only received a smile.

They spent the rest of the drive in resumed quiet, which Scott actually really enjoyed. He had time to think, and what he usually thought about in these past few weeks was Mitch.

He was his favorite thing to wonder about.

Although a few minutes later, when he had to order for the both of them, he was mostly concerned with if he'd gotten the brunette's order right.

"Hello!" he said cheerfully to the woman running the counter. "I'll have a vanilla latte, and my friend will have a pumpkin spice latte?" Scott couldn't help the slight question at the end, but smiled a bit when he saw Mitch nod beside him.

"That'll be $25.89." The woman, tagged as Sheila, looked extremely bored.

"Okay!" Scott pulled out his credit card.

"Oh, sir, I forgot to remind you our credit card machine is out of order at this time, and you'll have to pay with cash."

"Hmm, let me see if I have enough then!"

"It's not that much," Sheila said. Scott chose to ignore this, as it actually was a lot for cash.

"Hey Mitch?" he asked the man beside him quietly. "Can I borrow like a dollar?"

Mitch shook his head sadly.

"Oh..." he looked back up at the woman. "He doesn't have a dollar..."

"Your friend could probably speak for himself, son." Mitch shot her a death glare at that, but she managed to ignore it.

"Anyway, I don't care how you pay for it, as long as you do. Take the donation money, for goodness sakes. Your drinks are already ready, and you're holding up the line."

Scott looked at the lable on the donation box.

Hospital for and Research of Loss of Sight and Sound.

"Are you kidding? Why would take from them?? That's important to donate to!!" Scott felt a tight grip on his hand, and knew Mitch was pissed too.

"People do it all the time, son. Just pay for the damn drinks."

Scott stuffed his $23 into the tiny slot in the box. "I'm not going to pay you, that's for sure! And besides, if your theory is right, you'll get it back later anyway."

Scott dragged Mitch away from the counter, snatched both their drinks, and looked back to glare at her one last time.

As he did, he noticed Mitch flipping her off, but had no time to say anything.

They stormed back to the car, and Scott put his drink down forcefully and slammed the car door, listening as his friend did the same.

"Mitch?" Scott asked, looking at the brunette with only concern.

The brown eyes only showed fury as they met his blue ones.

"Are you okay?"

Mitch shook his head.

"...did we just rob a Starbucks?"

Mitch's eyes grew wider as he nodded slowly, a smile spreading across his face.

"We. Are. Brilliant." They both broke down in a fit of laughter, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"I cannot believe that!! Wait until Kirstin hears!!" Scott wiped tears from his eyes and calmed himself enough to actually start driving away.

Mitch, however, continued to shake with laughter.

"Do people even do things like that? We at least deserve to be on the news for that! Wow. That was insane."

Mitch nodded, and imitated the woman's grumpy face, making Scott giggle.

"I hope every single one of our dates goes this way!"

Mitch froze.

"Oh god, wait, that's not what I meant, I keep speaking without-"

Scott went silent as Mitch kissed his cheek.

"...Oh. Right was a date?"

All Scott could see was the nod, but he desperately wanted to see his face.

"Oh. Okay." He smiled and blushed. "I hope all of our dates are like this one, then."

Mitch nodded, and they drove the rest of the way home in comfortable silence.


did I already end one like that? I should probably pay attention to that...oh well.

I hope that was okay even though it was pretty boring

I wanted mitch to do something funny

I hope I accomplished that.

alright goodnight everyone!! see you next time <3

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