Chapter 5: Meeting the Mexican Girl

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Paulie (Me)-Hmmmm.... it's 9:45 a.m ((Is time to go back to school....))

???-Hey! you must be in school......Wait they had a project here?

Paulie-Huh? Oh sorry! I don't listen what you say.... My name is Ana Paula but everyone calls me Paula or Ana, but I prefered Paulie or Pau or Paula......

???-Nice to meet you,Paulie..... My Name is Aimara Rivera and what I say before that all your colleges they're doing ummm... a project?

Paulie-Nice to meet you,too,Aimara! Not really.... Actually the teacher that i suppose it's here in our school,but today is not here.....And I'm Artist Captain....I had the permission to go anywhere with my group... Just sometimes....

Aimara-Oh I see....

Paulie-Do you want to go with me at my school just for meeting chat?.....

Aimara-I will glad to go.

Paulie-Guys we have to go back to school it's time to had our next class

All ((Expect Paulie & Aimara))

Time skip by Paulie's Happiness

Paulie-So this is my school

Aimara-Is a junior high school?

Paulie-Yes it's a Junior High School

Aimara-So....where's your classroom?

Paulie-Well then follow me... 

Aimara-Ok then....

Paulie-This is my classroom...I know it's kinda dirty....

Aimara-Don't worries is like mine....when i had your age....

Paulie-Really? So I will start, So cuántos años tienes?(( How old are you?))

Aimara-Let me tell you talk perfectly in accent español ((Spanish)) and I'm nation...So I will tell later... I had recently 20 years 

Paulie-Grazie! I've working so hard....

Aimara-My turn! Where you're from?

Paulie-Distrito Federal

Aimara-I was born here,too!

Paulie-Haha! We had some common....

Aimara-Hahaha! Right! your turn.

Paulie-Oh right! Well.....What's your favorite movie?

Aimara-Ummmm...... I had....but don't remember what's her name....

Paulie-It's ok...

Aimara-My turn! What's brings to you as artist captain?

Oh shut... I don't wanna to talk about this really, I mean serious I've falling like two times!? Oh my why me.... But I talked about the reason that I'm a Artist captain...

Aimara-And it's pretty hard?

Paulie-Well... I little bit....

Then rings the bell...

Paulie-I have to go... It was nice to meet you,Aimara!

Aimara-It was nice to meet you too,Paula... Bye

OPaulie-Bye... Have nice day!

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