Chapter 3: "Ice Cream's Reunion"

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I awake in my bed,confusing,I say "What time I back to my house,if I fainted?...I stand up and look outside from my room ,when I open the door I see Faith,Sephy and of course Mau talking each other....I put a face of surprised and I say:

Pau.-Ahhh! What's time is it's?When I'm here?

Faith.-11:15...,BTW,Mau talked to us that you fainted again.... First in school and now in when you go home from your reunion... What's wrong? Tell us,Paula....

Pau.-The true I don't know how I fainted again,But sometimes I had nightmares about that my talent it will difficult more than before.....

Everyone(Expect me).-.........

Pau.-But,Don't worry about me,I'm Okay!

Sephy.-Pau,Actually our talents haved been really different it just like fell on a dream can only us can listen our feelings.....It's just our experience

Faith.-Everyone has a Difference on her/his own talent....It's just rare of me,Sephy, any other as a Artist.....

Sephy.-Right.....They always a reason on our talent....That's why I talked to you about our differences


Pau.-Can I go to the bathroom?

Faith.-O-okay,Will waiting.....

(Goes to the bathroom) 

What's happen to me.....That's my 2p myself in the mirror? M...maybe it's just my imagination

2p Pau.-Pau....


2p Pau.-Do you know about your "OWN" Talent?


2p Pau.-Yes I might to stop, but I can't..... You must don't believe in your friends

Pau.-W-what? What do you mean?

???.-Don't listed up!

Pau.-?! A-Ann?!

Ann.-It's just a Bad Feeling about you

Pau.-Oh I see.....Why you here?

Ann.-To protect you and my angel friend

Pau.-Your mean?

Ann.-Yes M....Mauri....


Ann.-*sniffs*It's.....just.....feel.....dissa.....pointed.....about him......I was to protected......but I fail.......

Pau.-Wait what are you mean? Here don't cry....


Pau.-Don't you have to thank me.....

Ann.-Do you know how I feel,right?

Pau.-Maybe yes or maybe not,But Mau will not forget about you..... that's the right thank you *hugs me*Thank you so much!


Ann.-You can really change the future.....*dissapears*

Pau.-W-Wait?*Wakes up*

Pau.-Huh? It's was a D-dream..... I here in What? Where's everyone?,Oh they leave with a letter

"Dear Paula:

Will waiting for you at 4:00 p.m on Ice Cream Shop on Plaza Outlet,We need to talk about serious about this situation.....


Mauricio,Sephy & Faith."

Pau.-Well Anyways I will eat something.....Change Future?....Why Ann could told me like that....? Protected me and .........? Why Protect us? This is different? 

Mau.-Why I feel rare myself....? Protect who? Ann........,Who was to protected on her/his?

Pau.-.......I guess.....No or yes?....

Mau.-.......Argh!.....I need to concentrate......

Pau.-Hmm....I hear a voice......

Mau.-Who is there?.....

???.-Control Yourselfs.....Protected them

Pau & Mau.-Protected by who? Yourselfs?

Pau.-A ....... Hair Accessory? And is glowing!?

Mau.-A glowing Earphones?! Rare!

???.-That will helpful in our future quest.... (Dissapears)

Pau.-Q-Quest? Wait....!? she/he goes.......Quest,eh?

In Another World:

Ann.-Actually they can do this...

Ruby.-I don't know if can do this....

Ann.-If will do it....I believe both...

Emma.-Ruby,Everything it will going to be fine.....

Ruby.-Ok....I believe it....

Ann.-Mauri.....Pau.....Believe yourself's......*Tear appears then converted a Crystal tear....*

4:00 p.m Ice Cream Reunion:

Pau.-Maybe.......I Had a question of you guys?

M,F,S(Mau,Faith,Sephy).-Hm? Go.....

Pau.-Why you want to talk to me.....?

Faithy.-Look Pau.... We need you....Things has been happened in school and with need the artist captain to resolve.....can you resolve this....

Pau.-W-What?..... Are you serious

Sephy.-Faith saying the true.....Something rare has been happening in our school and we need all junior captains to resolve this....can you this....?

Pau.-I.....I don't know.....

Mau.-Don't worry were to the same something has been happening in my school... I talk with the others so don't worry I will Help you.....

Pau.-OK! I can do this....!


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