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I went upstairs as Jordan was behind me.

"So I guess she doesn't know about us?" I asked.
"No, but Patrick already knew about us."
"Wait, you told him but not your mom?"
"Well..." Jordan said putting his arm over his head, "He just said to be a bit quitter when we're kissing.." He said looking around the room.

"Oh..." I said as I started blushing.
"Um, well, do you have any clothes I can wear?" I asked looking at him, as I scratched the back of my neck.
"Oh baby I do." He said with a smirk.
"Um..." I said turning red again.
"No." he said chuckling, "But seriously I do, my clothes are in the second cabinet, I'll be downstairs."

"Jordan, can you come here real quick?"
"Okay? Why?" He said confused.

I lean over to him, putting one of my arms around his neck and the other around his waist. I lean in, over to his lips until his mom barges in.

"Hey Jord-"
At that moment we try to separate but she already saw me about to kiss Jordan.
"Oh why, um- well- I'll be downstairs um... yeah." She said quickly leaving.

"I probably... just came out to your mom..." I said looking at the ground.
"Welp, she's going to have to like us being together then. No matter what, I will stay by your side." Jordan said giving me a kiss on my cheek.


Jordan and I just stayed inside his room, waiting for his mom to tell us to get out of the room.

"Jordan, Will, please come downstairs!" Faith yelled.
"Welp, here goes nothing!" Jordan said sarcastically.

We both went downstairs, holding hands, while waiting for Jordan's mom to say something.

"Boys, I'm in the kitchen!" Faith yelled.
"Jordan, if anything bad happens, just know, I love you."
I said, all with meaning.
"Will, I know you do and this is not your fault, if my mom doesn't accept us. I love you too William."

  We went into the kitchen waiting for anything to happen.

"Oh finally you guys came out! (Haha puns) Also before you ask, yes, I don't mind that you're both dating each other or that you guys are gay. Also I'm guessing that Will's parents didn't accept him for being who he is, and that's why he got kick out." {Editor: Ha! Every mom, in every fanfic that accepts the LGBT community always turns out to be awesome!}

"Um yeah. How did you know?" I ask knowing that Jordan is looking at her as weirdly as me.

  "Oh well, I just don't get how people would want to separate love with whomever their sexuality." She said with a smile.
"So, why don't you guys eat and let me get to know Will better?"


  "I am SO sorry to hear that Will. That is just awful!" Faith replied.
"Welp, at least I know not everyone is a døuce."

"Well you boys get ready for bed and before you both ask me, yes, you both may sleep in the same bed."

  "Umm, how.. did... um, okay, thanks?" I said very confused on how she knew.
"Don't worry Will, she'll read your mind if she has to." Jordan said jokingly. "You'll get use to it."
"Night boys!" Jordan's mom said picking up the plates.


There we go! I know it is short but I'll will write a longer one.

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