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Raphael sighed and woke up to Olivia crying. He sat up and rubbed his face. He looked at Leo who was still asleep. He got up and walked to Olivia's crib and picked her up knowing the little rascal needed a diaper change.

He set her on the changing table and began to change her diaper. Leo sat up and rubbed his eyes looked at them and smiled. Ralph finished changing her and rocked her back to sleep. Leo watched as he hummed. As soon as Olivia fell asleep he laid her down in her crib singing softly. Leo laid down listening. Raph kissed her forehead and walked over to the bed and laid down.

He smiled an pulled Leo to his chest. "Hey baby did I wake you?" He asked softly Leo only shook his head. After a moment Leo spoke "sing me to sleep baby." Raph smiled and blushed slightly. He began to sing a lullaby.

As music filled Leo's ears he slowly drifted off to sleep. Raphael smiled and continued to sing.

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