
 And so Lydia went into her room, and she began immediately writing her letter to Thorin:

  Dearest Thorin,

    As much as I hate to do this, but I'm leaving Ered Luin for a while to take care of some unfinished business.  I have no idea how long I will be gone, but I will return.  I love you, Thorin, I will always love you, and I promise you I will return when I finish taking care of my business.  

 Lovingly yours,

 Lydia Silverbeard. 

   Once she finished her letter,  Lydia sealed the letter and she left it with Milo.   After that, she packed her belongings, ad she said her farewells to Milo.  Afterwards Lydia went for her pony and she left the Dwarven realm.    

Thorin's POV: 

 As the feast came to a close, I scanned around the Great Hall for Lydia, because I wanted to talk to her.  By the time I reached our table where my sister is sitting, I didn't see Lydia there at all. "Sister, have you seen Lydia?" I asked my sister.  "She was here moments ago, but she left.  She told me she needed to go out for some fresh air!" My sister replied.   And so I left the Great Hall hoping to find Lydia sitting outside, and unfortunately there is no sign of her.  Maybe she went home for the night,  I thought to myself,as I decided to walk towards the home of Milo and Lydia.    Once I reached the home, I knocked on the door.  The door opened, and I could see Milo, whom appeared to be very distressed.  "Is Lydia home, Milo?" I asked the older dwarf.   "Thorin, she has left--and she left behind a note for you!" said Milo.  I quickly took the note and read it.  

 "No! She can't do this! She will never survive out there alone!" I shouted, slamming the parchment down on the table.  I resolved that I am going to track her down myself, and go with her.  "Thorin, wait! She told me herself this is her journey and her journey alone, and she doesn't want anyone to follow her!" spoke up Milo.  "But can't I just meet her half way?" I asked.  "No, not even half way. Like she told me to pass word with you, that this is her journey and her journey alone!" said Milo.  Hearing those words angered me.  Why would she go on a quest, something I have no idea about, and leaving me in the dark about it?  And so I left Milo's home, and went straight home.   By the time I arrived, I slumped down in my lounging chair,my head pounding.  Dis came in, as she noticed my distress. "Thorin, are you alright?" asked my sister.  "No! I'm not alright--it's Lydia--she has left!" I snarled. "Left?! What do you mean she left?!" exclaimed Dis.   "Here's the note, she written to me, and told me why she left!" I said sharply, as I handed over the parchment to my sister. 

  Dis read the letter, and then she looked at me.  "Thorin, my advise to you is this--let her do what she needs to do! She will be fine! She has been out in the wild alone before--and she promised she will return in her letter." said Dis.  "I surely hope so!" I grumbled.  


No One's POV:

Two months later, Rivendell

  Lydia decided to make her destination to the Elven Valley, hoping she would find Gandalf there.  Once she arrived,  she met up with Lord Elrond, whom felt delighted to see her, and she asked if Gandalf was there.  Unfortunately he wasn't there, but the Elf Lord offered her to stay there, and Lydia asked for the Elf Lord's help of her situation with Charmaine's mind torture to her.  And it was Lord Elrond who came up with a solution for her. "Lady Galadriel is here, and I'm sure she can help you with your issues with your troubled sister! Allow me to take you to her!" said Elrond.  "Thank you so much, my Lord! That means a lot to me!" said Lydia, as she followed the Elf Lord down the long corridors of the elven palace.   Soon, they entered a large room where they found the Elf Queen, sitting on a bench, reading a book.  "My Lady, Lady Lydia Silverbeard wishes to see you,and ask for your help on a situation she is is--Lydia?" said Elrond, as he allowed Lydia to speak. 

  Lydia began to explain to the High Elf of her situation with Charmaine, that had been going on for years, and Lydia wanted to put a stop to it, because it's interfering with her life.   "I have a solution,  Lady Lydia-and it will require you to change your identity, and you have to start a new life!" said the Elf Queen.  "What do you mean?" asked Lydia.  "It means that I'm going to erase all your memory from your past, and your current living situation, and from there, you will be giving a new name, and hair color--I will also place a spell where Charmaine will no longer speak to you!" said Galadriel.  "I'm not so sure about this, my lady! What about Thorin? My One? I cannot erase him from my life!" protested Lydia.   "Sometimes Lydia, there is times where you have to give up someone your life ! If you wish to protect yourself from your sister! This is the only way to go!" said Galadriel.  "Alright, I will do this! So when shall we start this?" asked Lydia.  "Anytime you wish to start the transformation, Lady Lydia!" Galadriel replied. 

Forgive me Thorin!  Lydia thought to herself, as she prepared to transform to her new identity.   

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