I didn't notice the familiar colorful clothes until Shashi passed in front of me, sitting opposite on the sofa. Her eyes were again drawn to the floor. Her long hair were open, which was seldom seen, she was clutching the belt of her bag too tightly showing her nervousness.

I decided that this was my chance. I had to be at least friends with her, that way I could at least have a glimpse of her. On the other side, my dad was still talking with Mr. Dixit, I took my chance.

"Dad, can I help you with something today?" he looked puzzled by the question. I continued, "I should start learning about our corporation, perhaps Mr. Dixit could help me understand."

"Well my boy! I am glad finally you are taking the initiative to learn the business. But not today! I have to discuss some important issues with Mr. Dixit." My dad's voice boomed. It was not I expected. I waited for him to say what I wanted him to say. "Perhaps you could give Shashi here, the tour of our home, and show her the back garden too! Of course if you don't mind Satish."

Mr. Dixit looked perplexed and uncomfortable all of a sudden. But he only nodded and force-smiled. In a flash, I was up. Finally I had given the opportunity with Shashi. I noticed her cheeks turned pink as she couldn't hide the embarrassment. When both disappeared through the door, I turned to Shashi.

"Come, I will show you the house." I signed her to follow. Reluctantly she trailed behind me, she only nodded and was drinking the interior of the house as I showed her different rooms, parlors, and kitchen. She briefly interacted with my mother and brother who were chatting while making the lunch.

"Shaashi, are you this shy from like forever?" My brother mused and laughed lightly, making me shot a glare at his direction. "No need to answer. I am just kidding."

Shashi looked like she would die of embarrassment any second, so I took her elbow and proceeded to show her my room. "I am sorry shashi! He is that bastard from forever!"

She smiled ruefully, meanwhile her body became stiff at my simple touch. I hastily pulled my hand away and stared at her, as she stood at the doorway. Her eyes smiling as she looked at the state of my room.

It was a complete mess, my clothes covered every surface of the room, with books, magazines decorating my bed and strangled sheets forming a heap at the end of the bed.

"Very tidy!" she mumbled for the first time and a wave of relief washed over me.

"Sarcasm from you? I thought I will never witness the day!" I chuckled. "I thought I already ruined our chance."

In seconds she turned grave, and eyed me with serious lines on her soft skin. "I can't. I never will."

"But why?" I asked standing by her forcing her to look into my eyes. "Don't you like me? And don't lie. I can see it on your face."

"You don't understand Daniel!" she breathed. I liked that it was the first time she addressed me by my name. It felt like I overcame the first barrier.

"Make me understand then," I murmured, taking a leap and holding her hand in mine. She tremored at the touch and leaned on the wall, closing her eyes. Her breathing changed slightly.

"I come from a different place, Dan. My family will never approve of me having a boyfriend, they are really old school." She whispered. "Besides I can't betray Evie over few months' romance."

"Then I will be your friend, if not a boyfriend. Just don't sign me off from your life. I want to see you every day." I pleaded and saw a tear slipping from her eye. I slowly raised my hand and gently wiped it. Her skin was rose-like under my touch. She quivered at the touch and leaned in my hand.

The next few seconds I thought I lost my control, I leaned in and planted a kiss on her soft peach lips. Her body stiffen at the connection, was putting her hand on my chest for pulling me away. But it just rested on my chest, her eyes closed. Another tear glided from her eyes.

I slowly increased the pressure on her lips, meanwhile running my hand through her wavy locks. I was smelling jasmin in her hair, her lips tasted like honey and caramel. Her body seemed relaxed as I was lost in the moment of utter bliss. It felt like the first time I truly kissed a girl!

**I am nervous guys..tell me.. what do you think? In another two chaps I will end the story.. The deadline for me is 19th of this month, If you remember.. I am participating in #JustWriteIt Challenge.. So I will be wrapping up by then.. I will need all your votes, promotion and love to be visible in this contest. I know you will be by my side! 

Love y'all!


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