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few days later

"So, Justin are you always this boring of a boyfriend? I mean your my first but it seems booorrring," I tease him.

"Huh are you serious?" He asks concerned.

"Come on lets go do something. Like go skiing or bake cookies with mom or go makeout," he urges, taking my arm and dragging me out of bed.

"Jay I was joking, gosh I was comfy," I say while climbing back on the bed.

He looks at me with wide eyes and just is in complete shock. I laugh and pat the empty spot next to me, motioning him to come cuddle with me.

"I am actually a good boyfriend?" He whispers while hugging me on the bed.

I let out a small laugh and replied, "Hmm I don't know...What do you think?"

"Yes? No? I'm gonna go with yes cause i know imma good ass boyfriend"

"Okay now can we shut up about this and go back to watching ahs," I say while lazily slapping his hand.

"But Baileyyy, freakshow isn't even that good. You've watched this season like three times. I want to see some vilotate," Justin whines.

"Aye, freakshow is really good. Dandy is so hot even though he's a maniac. Oh shhh here is Jimmy," I argue back.

"Dandy this, Jimmy that. Why can't it be 'Oh Justin you are so hot.' or 'Ah Justin how was I ever so lucky to be with you," he shoots back.

"Ha your lucky to be with me," I joke, I'm the one who is lucky.

"Yes I am. Super lucky," he says in admiration.

I smile at him and peck his lips. Wow its hard to believe that just last year we began dm'ing each other about our profiles to be here kissing each other. It's a miracle.

"Bailey, I know this may seem sudden but, god I love you so much. And if this scares you then I'm sorry, but i have to get it out. I've felt it since we started chatting. And you are so beautiful. How did I become so lucky? Please don't ever leave me, because-"

He rambles but I cut him off with a sweet and passionate kiss.

"I love you too Justin."

"You do?" He says shocked.

"Yes of course, you are so loving and adorable, who couldn't love you," I say while smiling.

"Do you love me more than One Direction?" He asks cheekily.

"Yes baby I love you more than One Direction."

"Yaaayy!! My girlfriend loves me. My girlfriend loves me," He sings.

"Awe you guys are the cutest ever!" A new voice appears.

I turn my head to see Pattie leaning on the doorway. She has the hugest smile ever while looking at us with admiration.

"Mom how long have you been here," Justin groans.

"Well I came up here to tell you guys that I ordered pizza for you two and that it was here but I saw you guys were arguing about american scary show or whatever and I just couldn't help but watch," She says with a smile.

"Did you say pizza?" I asked.

"Yeah I ord-" She starts.

"Thanks Pattie!" I yell while jumping off the bed and running downstairs for pizza.

"Wow do I love her." Justin mumbled.

a/n: IM ALIVE YAAY!! Sorry i never updated its cause school but I've felt like writing. Wow i have 1k reads and 62 votes, thats amazing wow.
Um well if you liked this chapter give it a vote and comment what you thought on this cute filler chapter. And comment on your favorite part of this chapter.
Hope you all have a great day!! Love you all:)


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