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next morning

  I can't believe I did that. What is wrong with me?! I mean we didn't kiss but I wanted us to. I don't know, it's just like we are being pulled together. I got these butterflies in my stomach when we were cuddling. I'll just put it in another file in my brain.

"Hey sorry about yesterday, I'm obviously loopy when tired," I say explaining myself.

"Aye don't be sorry, it was cute," He replied.

I blushed and tried to hide it.

"Why don't we go and I show you around the great Stratford?"

"That'd be great," I say while smiling.

-later that day

"Stop, your gonna knock over my ice cream you butthead," I say while laughing.

"That's the point silly."

He keeps trying to knock over my icecream so I smack my hand and hit his and his ice cream falls on the concrete.

"O-O-Oh my god, HAHAHA," I stutter while laughing super hard.

"Hey that's no fair, I wanted my ice cream," He pouts.

"You like vanilla?"

"Mm it's good, can I have some."

"Sure thing."

I take my spoon and get some out of my cup and take it to his lips. The spoon goes into his mouth then seconds later is out with nothing on it.


"Haha sorry for knocking your ice cream."

"Nah bae it was funny."

"Hey tha-" I was interrupted by a blonde skimpy girl running up to us.

"JUSTTYY BABY," the blonde yells while coming to hug Justin.

"No, Brittany. Get off of me, I told you I don't want you near me."

"But Justy we all know you still want me."

"Not really, I already have a girlfriend," He says while smirking.

"JUSTIN! You never told me tha-" I was interrupted, AGAIN.

"That we are going public with our relationship? Yeah I wanna tell everyone that we are together," He says with nervous eyes.

Oh I see what he is doing.

"Oh sorry, see, Brittany is it? Me and Jaybear love it each other and don't really want people like you trying to kill our relationship."

"O-okay. And why does she get to call you Jaybear, whenever I did you got mad and said not to call you that."

"Well when she says it, it just feels right." Justin says.

He still hates the name. But I just called him that cause I know he hates it. But this Brittany girl isn't someone I like, and Justin obviously doesn't like her.

We started to walk away and I bumped shoulders with Brittany. I know she was looking so to rile her up I hesitantly grabbed Justin's hand.

When I grabbed it a shivering sensation went up my spine. What is this? Wait, always in those cute stories I read when this happens they end up together.

I think I like Justin.


a/n: duh you do Bailey. Sooo I think this book will have 25 chapters. Bad shit will happen around 20 so be ready. Have a great day my luvies. Love you all:)


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