Chapter 5

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Denis POV

"Bye mom!" I yelled at her from the doorway.

"Bye sweetie!" She called from the kitchen.

I closed the door and started making my way across the street towards Ben's house. Today we're gonna hang out. He said where just gonna watch movies, and eat a bunch of junk food. His parents are out tonight so we're gonna have the whole house to our selfs.

As I was making my way towards the door I heard my phone buzz signaling I had a message. I saw that it was from Ben.

When you get here, don't knock. Just come
right in.  -Ben

I did as I was told and just walked right in. I heard water running so i assumed he was in the shower. I walked upstairs towards his room.
I sat down on his bed and just started looking through my phone. A couple minutes later he walked out again with a towel around his waist. Almost slipping off.

"Is your goal to flash me every time I come over?" I asked motioning to his towel almost slipping off.

He chuckled.

"...maybe" he said while winking.

I softly laughed.

"Could you please turn around while I get dressed?" He asked.

"Sure" I said while looking at the wall.

I could hear him ruffling around trying to find clothes. Occasionally mumbling to himself that he couldn't find his pants.

"You can turn around now" he said.

I turned back around to see him in a pair of sweatpants with no shirt on. I repeat no shirt on. He had a tattoo on his chest. It had two swallows on it with the words family first in between them.

"I like your chest piece" I said.

"Thank you. I got it in honor of my sister" he said.

I suddenly felt bad for him. You could tell he really missed her. And I've only known him for about a week.

"Again I'm so sorry about her, I'm sure she didn't deserve what she got" I said.

He sighed and took a seat next to me.

"I really miss her. She was a very sad girl just in need of one friend. And here I am partying with my friends that I never noticed how much she lacked of happiness" he said.

I signed.

"I had someone really important to me pass away too" I admitted.

"Really? Who was the person?" He asked

"Her name was Maddie, she was the only friend I've ever had. She died in a car crash. I remember my whole world crashing down when I got the phone call of her passing. She was a very good friend, my best friend actually. She would help me through it all. When I would have very depressed days she would always manage to put a smile on my face. She was the best" I said.

By the end I could feel tears stinging my eyes. I looked up at Ben just in time to see a tear roll down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry" he said.

I softly smiled at him. We both stayed silent for a moment until Ben decided to speak up.

"Sometimes I wish that this was all a dream. I wish that one day I'll wake up and see the beautiful face of my sister smiling at me. But it just hurts even more knowing that that'll never happen" he said.

I looked up at him to see more tears falling from his eyes. I shifted closer to him and gave him a side hug. He instantly responded by wrapping both his arms around my waist.

"I miss her so much" he whispered into me.

I looked down at him to see him crying into my shirt. I couldn't help it. Soon I started crying as well. He gripped onto me harder as he started to shake.

"I miss Maddie too" I said while wiping tears away from my eyes.

He looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry about her. She seemed that she meant so much to you" he said.

"She did. No one will ever be able to replace her" I said.

After that neither of us said a word. We just sat there hugging each other as we cried about our love ones. We probably looked pathetic. But I didn't care, and I'm sure neither did he.

"D-Denis" he said.

"Yeah" I spoke while my voice cracking.

"When you were talking about Maddie, you mentioned that she helped you when you had depressed days. What do you mean by that?" He asked.

I looked at him and just decided to tell him.

"Well like I said, I've never really had friends. People would bully me all the time and call me ugly names, just because of how I looked. There where some days where I just felt like giving up. They would always tell me, that no one would give a shit if I died. I soon started to believe it. Maddie would always help me through those times of darkness." I explained.

I heard him sniffle.

"Denis I promise that I won't let anyone ever bother you. You've gone through so much. And no Maddie hasn't been your only friend. From now on I'm your friend. You can trust me with anything" he said.

Another tear rolled down my cheek.

"Thank you" I whispered while hugging him harder.

"That's what friends are for" he said while returning the hug.

A couple seconds later we let go of each other.

"Thank you Denis. I've never opened up so much to someone before. I really needed it" he

I smiled at him.

"That's what friends are for" I said.

He smiled at me.

"Well then your a great friend" he said.

(A/N) Hi Guys! I updated! Well anyways I hope you guys like this chapter! I honestly really like how it turned out! Don't forget to Follow, Vote, And Like!!

PROTECT ME (Brustoff  Ben Bruce x Denis Stoff) FanFictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum