Chapter 3

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Denis POV

Last night during dinner Ben's mom and my mom arranged that Ben would give me a ride every day to school. I honestly don't want him too. I enjoy walking, it helps me clear my mind.

I walked out my house towards Ben's house, he sent me a text and told me to meet him there. I knocked on the door and waited a couple seconds for it to be answered my Ben's mom.

"Hi Denis!" She greeted.

"Hi Mrs.Bruce, I'm here to wait for Ben" I said.

"Oh! He's upstairs in his room getting ready! Come on!" She said while letting me in.

I walked in and made my way towards Ben's room. I heard water coming from the bathroom so I assumed that he was showering, so I just let myself in his room. As I walked in I noticed that his room was cleaner than it was last night.

I went and sat on his bed, and started looking around his room. There where a bunch of pictures of him as a little kid, but one picture specifically caught my eye. I got off his bed and made my way towards the picture.

Once I got close enough I started examining it. It was a picture of Ben with another girl, she actually kinda looked like him, they where at a park on some swings, and they where both smiling happily. I'm assuming the girl is his sister. I didn't know Ben had a sister. Last night I didn't see her at all.

"Stalking me already eyy" said someone from behind me.

I turned around to see Ben standing there with ONE towel around his waist. It was hard trying to avoid what was down there.

"N-no I was just l-looking" I said. I tried keeping my gaze on his face instead of down their.

I saw him starting to smirk.

"What? Can't keep your eyes off of me? I know I'm sexy, but don't be a pervert" he said.

I could feel my cheeks starting to get red. God dammit Ben, why do you do this? He started laughing. What's so funny?

"Dude chill! I'm just joking!" He said.

I sighed.

"Well anyways could you please turn around while I get dressed?" He asked

I slowly nodded, as I started to turn around.

"I mean unless you want to watch?" He said

I nodded my head no. He chuckled as he started getting dressed.

"You can turn around now" he said.

I turned around and saw him putting on his shoes.

"So why were you looking at the picture?" He asked.

"I don't know, it just caught my eye. If you don't mind me asking, but who's the girl in the picture?" I asked.

He sighed.

"...she was my sister" he said.

"What do you mean was?" I asked.

"She died a couple years ago" he said.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" I started but got cut off.

"It's ok mate, I don't mind" he assured

I sighed in relief.

"Again if you don't mind me asking...but how did she die?" I said.

"Well...she was a very depressed kid. She had trouble at school with bullies and all that shit, so she decided to deal with it with cutting. Once day I caught her and made her promise not to do it again. She obviously stopped cause she didn't want to make me upset. But she still had problems so she dealt with it with drugs, once night she did to much that she had an overdose and died. That was the saddest day of my life. And I regret every second of it. I was never there to help her, now that I think back at it, she was never truly happy" he said.

I stayed silent. That girl went through so much, just like me. I obviously don't cut because I know that that's not the answer, but it saddens me knowing someone had to go through that. Also from experience.

"I'm so sorry" I said.

"It's okay, she's in a better place now, hopefully happy" he said.

I softly smiled at him. He smiled back.

"We should get going" he said.

I nodded as I followed him downstairs towards his car. We both got in as he started the engine. He pulled out of the driveway and we made our way towards school.

(A/N) Hey Guys! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's kinda short! Don't forget to Follow, Vote, And Comment!

PROTECT ME (Brustoff  Ben Bruce x Denis Stoff) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now