Well, sorry but her poor tiny  heart is going to be broken because I refuse to be Luke's girlfriend! I already have a boyfriend, and besides, I wouldn't go out with someone with such horrid feelings like Luke.

Yeah, try explaining that one to dad Ally, I thought sighing in my head.

I told Luke I had a boyfriend already, I've tried explaining to him several times that he's just wasting his time with me, but the idiot still thinks he can somehow persuade me to be with him only.

It's his loss of precious time, once he realizes that I'm highly never going to be attracted to him.

We were currently in the living room, having tea imported from London, at least that's what Fake Barbie claimed, either way I found it totally gross. The crap tasted like a mixture between cheap beer and sour milk. Luke didn't seem to think so though, he was sipping from his cup with a smile, or maybe he was just trying to be polite.

Fake Barbie kept reminding us that only "elegant" people got to drink this tea, and she shot me an ungrateful look when I told her I'd much rather drink a soda.

I had to give Luke some credit, he knew how to pull strings at Fake Barbie's heart, he knew what to say to make her beam, he complimented at the right moment, he had her totally fooled!

I could hear dad and Luke talking about his company, their voices sounded way far away though, I really want listening to them, all my mind could think about was James, and when I would get to leave this fancy hell to see him!

It made all of this more bearable, knowing that after this little reunion ended I would get to see him and spend time with him.

Ugh my boy with tattoos, what are you doing? I thought letting out a silent annoyed sigh, when was Luke going to leave damn it? He had already stayed for dinner, and had already spent another hour talking with dad and Fake Barbie here in the living room.

I resisted the urge I had to bounce my leg and drum my fingers, I really wanted him to leave already so I could stop pretending that his presence delighted me.

I still had to act in front of dad, if I didnt convince him that I really liked Luke then he might not allow me to go to the shopping mall anymore to buy myself pretty clothes, when in reality I would go hang out with James.

My eyes flickered everywhere, when is Luke going to leave darn it, I thought frustrated.

I really wanted to see James tonight, get to spend some time with him so he could make this day end better.

I saw Aiden grin wider as he watched me, he could tell I was annoyed, and the little prick enjoyed watching me being annoyed. I wanted to flip him off so badly, what was he doing here anyways? He just wanted to watch me suffer, that pretty boy was just as bad as Luke!

No wonder they're close friends, I scoffed in my head.

"What are your plans for the future Luke?" I heard dad ask.

I resisted rolling my eyes, jeez what were they interviewing him for? Whatever the brat said dad would think was so amazing, so what was the point?

Luke smiled politely and I felt him squeeze my shoulder "Oh, I have lots of interesting plans for the future" he replied in a slight mysterious tone.

"Like what?" Fake Barbie asked at once.

I threw her a glare, nosy much? What did she want to know for? What did she care?

"Well I plan on taking over my dad's comapany once he's retired, but of course it's almost mine now, so that won't be that much of a change" he said.

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