Chapter 36- Pizza's here!

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"Well yeah, Harley's pretty talkative. Takes after her mother."

That earned her a glare from Harley. You know how burns have degrees? And if it's a really bad burn it's called a third degree burn? That's how glares should be rated. Because glared have been known to burn holes in the back of people's heads. (Not literally, but you get the idea)

And this glare, the one Harley was giving Celeste, was a third degree glare.

"Anyways," I said , breaking the silence.

"Howdya get into my room anyways?"

"Best friend privileges. Do you even have to ask? I know all your secrets in your room. I can't believe you keep a journal in your underwear drawer. That is so middle school. "

Harley said while shaking her head.
Underwear drawer....

"You've been through my panties!?"

I practically shrieked. I realized I could've worded that sentence better but right know my mind was clouded and that was like a spur of the moment kinda shriek.

"Well duh. By the way you have horrible taste in underwear. Were going shopping when we get back home."

I blinked and stared at Harley in disbelief.

"Bad taste ? It's not like anyone's gonna see them! "

"You never know."

Harley said with a sly wink.

I decided to drop the topic. Arguing with Harley was a lost cause. After all, she taught me everything I know about sass.

"Whatever. Anyways, you never told me how you feel about it."

Sophia looked at me with a horrified expression.

"Feel about what? The fact that you keep a journal in your underwear drawer?"

"Not about that!" I hissed.

" I was talking about the Hong Kong trip."

Celeste clapped her hands together. A gesture which momentarily startled me.

"Yeah! About that, can you bring me back some clothes from London ? I need them for my next Europe inspired clothing line."

Celeste said.

"So you're not mad?"

I asked with a baffled expression.

Harley got up and started rumaging around in the hotel fridge.

"Why would we be mad?"

"Well geez I dunno maybe because I didn't tell you about this when I should've earlier?"

Harley pulled out a can of diet coke and popped the cap off.

"But technically we already knew cuz your horrible at keeping secrets from us. So were not mad. Besides. I've got a case to work on. Sounds really exciting too."

Harley's eyes lit up like they always did whenever she spoke about work.

"Harleys right." Celeste said with a shrug.

"Of course I'm right! When have I ever been not right?"

A ghost of a smile danced on Celeste's lips as she heard Harley's reply.

Sophia grabbed a nearby book and plopped down on the bed next to me.

A knock on the door made me snap my head forward in panic.

Was it Malcolm? Alana? What if it was the cops? What if it was Danny? What if-

Wait a minute, back up. Where'd that last one come from? Why was my subconscious thinking about Danny? Did I have a mutiny on my hands?

I wanted to smack my head with a frying pan but I didn't want to look anymore crazy than I already looked. Besides, I'd probably have to go to the hotel restaurant to hunt for a frying pan and I don't think thats the brightest idea considering the fact that a chef was pretty pissed off due to a certain best friend of mine.

Harley went to go open the door since everybody else (myself included) was too lazy.

I could feel my heart thumping loudly as I waited to Harley to say who it was.

Danny Danny Danny.

My heart chanted. Part of me wanted to see him and the other part wanted to shrink and never be seen by him again.

The door opened.

Moment of truth.

"Alright! the pizza's here!"

Authors note:

Fairly long chapter. 1000 + words :D Sorry if the updates are getting slower, my schedule is really packed. ( lame excuse, I know) But thanks so much for being patient with me. You guys are the best :*

So in case you haven't heard, smileyfacewinkyface and I are writing a HG fan fiction together. We haven't got anything out yet (except an author's note) but we do hope you'll check it out when you get the chance ;)

Okay rant time,
Feel free to skip this if you want.

So I watched 'gone girl' earlier today and I'm telling you it left permanent brain damage. The end was so damn frustrating I almost pulled my hair out. And then the part where she killed Desi? Nasty. Just plain nasty. When I was watching it my dad was like 'don't watch that movie it's awful' and since I'm a stubborn teenager I watched it anyways. So here I am hoping I get some sorta mild amnesia where I get to erase the movie from mind.

Okay Rant's over

You know the drill.






Avery ;)

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