From: Olive Oil

Hey girl, where are you?

From: Olive Oil

I was trying to be a fuckboy. Did it work?

From: Olive Oil

Haha it's Mark lolololololol

I ignore all the messages from Carter, not wanting to read all his countless apologies.

From: ACM

It seems as though no one appreciates you -ACM

I frown, locking my phone and sliding it into my back pocket, getting out of my car, and walking into the office.

"Good morning Brogan, how can I help you?" Ms. Wanda grins.

"I need a late pass" I smile.

"Alright, who's your homeroom teacher?"

"Mr. Marx"

"Alright, here you go. I gave you 10 extra minutes because you look like you're having a bad day" She winks and hands me the pass. I smile at her, and walk to my locker to get my history book.

"Carter stop" Someone giggles.

Of course, as if my day isn't bad enough. The back stabbing bitch I called my best friend, and the guy who swears he's in love with me, are making out against none other than my locker. It's as if all humanity hates me.

"If you two could get off my locker, and go do that somewhere else that'd be great" I say monotonously. They pull away from each other, Carter looking over at me, while Ella hides her face.

Carter unwraps Ella from him, and looks at me with guilt "I'm sorry"

"Okay" I nod, unlocking my locker and grabbing my text book and walking away.

"Brogan wait" They both call after me, there footsteps getting closer.

"What?" I groan, when my wrist is grabbed.

"We need to talk to you" Carter sighs.

"What? Are you guys going to tell me you're sorry? I don't want to hear it! This week has literally been the worst week of my life, Hell ever since you decided that you wanted to talk to me one day my life had turned to shit! So please for the sake of my sanity, just leave me alone" I cry, wiping my tears before they fall.


"But nothing! What are you telling me that you two are dating now? You two fell in love by watching me be miserable"

"Well, that's not why but-"

"Please, stop talking" I cut him off.

"We're really sorry, but it just kind of happened" Ella shrugs.

"What I don't get, is how you can scream and yell at me, for even associating myself with him, but then you go and date him! Fuck you! I can't fucking believe you" I growl.

"But I'm happy"

"Congratulations" I nod "Really, you guys deserve each other" I sniff, turning on my heel and walking to my history class. I pull out my phone, finally deciding to read Carter's messages, the last one breaking my heart all over again.

From: Carter

Ella and I are going to give things a try, I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you. I love you with all my heart, and even though I'm with Ella you'll always be the first girl I've fallen in love with. You'll always mean something to me, and I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. Brogan, I love you so much, and I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry.

I fall to my knees in the empty hallway, crying into my hands.

"Oh my god Brogan, are you okay?" Oli gasps, sitting down next to me. He pulls me into him as I cry into his shoulder "What happened?"

"Ella s-she-" I cut myself off with a sob.

"What did she do?"

"She with C-Carter"

"What?" He asks angrily.

"It doesn't make sense, I have to turn in my pass" I stand up, walking to my history class, Oli walking in behind me.

"Ah Good Morning, we're just working in groups, so join wherever" Mr. Marx smiles and I nod.

"C'mon, I'm working with Jacob, Ryder and Katie" Oliver wraps his arm around my shoulder, leading me to his table group.

"Hi Brogan" Ryder smiles, his dimples showing.

"Hi" I smile back "So what are we doing?" I ask.

"Well, we each get a document and we have to read it and find out how it relates to the question" Jacob explains, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"So a DBQ?" I ask.[A/N Do any of you have to do those? I prefer them over actual essays, but I still think they suck]

"Yeah" He chuckles.

"Cool, well then hand me a document"


So muCH DRAMA!!!

I can't even believe what I'm writing.

I agree with you guys, Ella's a bitch.

Love, Bad_Boy_Hemmo

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