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I wrote this story a while ago but when I didn't get an immediate response, I sort of logged out of this account to tend to my other one and haven't logged back in in so long. I was surprised by the comments on this story because I didn't think anyone was reading it or cared about it. Thanks for reading though and I knew chapter will be up very very soon!

ALSO: to the people commenting asking if her name being Lilith is a supernatural reference, I'm sorry to say it is not. I've never seen supernatural I'm sorry haha I've heard it's amazing tho. Her name is after a demon goddess who is believed to be the closest thing to the she-devil. She is known as the seductress (which is why I chose her because, well, lucifer is supposed to be attracted to her in this story haha) she has biblical ties and was supposedly the first wife of Adam as in Adam and Eve. You can google it for more info.

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