Stiles started crying over the phone, and Layla's heart twisted tightly at the sound. "Please, no. No. Please don't call him come on, you can find me. He doesn't have to know, I trust you Layla."

"I don't know if I can do this." Her breathing began to increase rapidly, almost to the point that she felt like she would have a panic attack, but werewolves couldn't have those. So she was just feeling the early signs and never the actual effects.

Stiles cried out. "I've got to call you back. I have to turn the phone off." Layla's eyes snapped open, her blood pressure spiking to the point where she wondered if she'd turn right there in her car. "I'll call you back."

"No. Stiles don't you dare hang—" The phone beeped, signaling the end of a call. "–up."

Layla's shaking fingers were barely able to dial the first number that popped in her head, a number she spent the past couple weeks using so often it branded itself in her brain. She waited a couple seconds before someone answered the phone. "Hello?" He sleepily asked, but Layla didn't care that she probably just awoke him from his slumber.

"Aiden, I need your help."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Aiden rushed up, the click of his bedside lamp sounding through the phone his brother waking up because of the bright light shining on his face from the bed adjacent to him.

"It's Stiles, he just called me and said he didn't know where he was. He was sleepwalking. He made me promise not to tell his dad that he was missing, but Aiden I'm so scared."

"Alright baby I'll be right there, just calm down. Breathe. Have you told Scott yet?"

Layla's keys dangled in the ignition, the car still off and the cold nipping at her bare legs. "No." She gulped down the saliva that gathered in her mouth. "I've been talking to Stiles for the past couple of minutes, I didn't have time to call anyone else and you were the first number that popped in my head."

"Okay, that's fine. I'll have Ethan call him, Layla I'm almost there just stay calm." Her phone buzzed again, Stiles impending call catching her attention.

"I have to go."

"No Layla, don't hang up." But the brunette didn't listen, she switched over the calls, allowing Stiles' voice to be heard through the speakers that she turned up on high.

"Stiles." She all but shouted, her left hand gripping the steering wheel while the other held the phone.

"Did you call him? Did you call my dad?"

"No," Layla sighed biting her lip to the point where she thought blood would come through. "Just Aiden. Ethan's going to call Scott, we're all coming to find you. Can you give me clues as to where you are. Try to find something, anything."

"It's a basement. I-I don't know some kind of basement." Stiles stuttered, sniffling loudly.

"In a house?"

"No, it looks bigger. Industrial. I think there's a furnace but it's cold. It's freezing down here." Layla racked her brain of potential places Stiles could be, placed he could've slept walked to. "Layla, I have to turn the phone off. It's going to die."

"Wait!" She cried out, her hand shaking to find a pen to write down the description he gave her. "What else is there. What else can you see? I need you to help me Stiles, give me clues."

"I can't talk, the phones dying. I have to go. Please just–

Layla finally realized that Stiles was whispering and not talking at his usual volume. "Stiles, why are you whispering."

Bad Vibes//Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now