Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


- Baltimore, MD

This was going to be a long two school years. I don't know why, but the headmaster here decided that he was going to have this annoying, self-centered, ignorant girl be my guide for the first day of school. Just walking to my first class with her was torture.

And it wasn't just her personality that was torture. It was also the fact that she was incredibly hot, and she didn't seem to know it. If she wasn't so annoying, I might have decided to give her a chance, but I wasn't here to make friends. I didn't want to get emotionally attached to anyone here - I wanted to get my educaiton and then get back to living my own life.

I wasn't really sure if I would go back to Japan after I graduated, since Kichida has probably already started searching for me, but I was definitely going to get out of Maryland.

For the next year and a half I just had to keep my head down - not get in trouble, but stay at the middle of the class, so as not to be recognized or called out for anything.

Masaaki found me sitting in the courtyard, interrupting me from my planning. He handed me a small, plain key.

"This is the key to your dorm." He said in his naturally quiet and serious voice. "Your bags are in the car." He then threw me a key to his car before walking away.

I wasn't exactly sure what Masaaki's problem was, but he was really hard to read. He didn't seem to hate me, but I wouldn't consider him a friend. I think he works for my dad's friend the police chief, so I wouldn't want to be his friend anyway.

I stood up and made my way over to Masaaki's car. It was parked next to my motorcycle, which must had been delivered here while I was at school 'learning.'

I unlocked the car and took out my few bags, then re-locked the car and headed to the main dorm building.

I looked down at my dorm key with an indifferent expression as I walked. It said 'ROOM 187' in huge letters (and numbers), so I assumed that was where I was going.

I was still looking down at the key when I ran right into someone's back.   

"Sorry," I muttered as I attempted to walk around the person, but whoever it was grabbed me by the shoulder and spun me around. I came face to face with what I coud only classify as 'THE JOCK.' He was tall - slightly taller than me - with the bulging muscles of a football player, and he was wearing a letterman's jacket. I immediately put him on my "People To Avoid" list, right after my annoying guide, Sage.

"And who are you?" Mr. Jock asked with an ugly sneer. "I haven't seen you here before."

I pulled my shoulder out of his grasp and continued walking without uttering a word, but again, he stopped me and spun me around.

"Answer me!" He roared, and I couldn't help but smirk inwardly. This guy was pathetic.

I discreetly set down my bags, then before Mr. Jock had time to react, I had kneed him in the stomach and twisted the arm that he had used to grab me behind his back. I jerked his arm upward once, heard his cry of pain, then let go and watched him crumple to the floor.

This time, I didn't just smirk inwardly. I let it show. I turned my back to the body on the ground, grabbed my bags, and strode off down the corridor.


I soon learned that rooms 1-99 were on the first floor, 100-199 were on the second, and so on. I took the stairs up to the second floor, not wanting to be in a cramped elevator with a bunch of complete strangers.

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