I felt my heart thudding in my chest and I tried to calm it. Why was I so nervous? It was just a hotel. Anyone could rent a hotel room here. You didn't have to be rich and there wasn't a dress code to do so. I wouldn't stick out. But this was Bennett's hotel. He actually owned the place. Why would we go here of all places on our first date? Was he not trying to ease into this? Would I be thrown in the spotlight already—?


I pulled myself out of my thoughts. "O-oh, sorry. What did you say? Yeah, this is my first time here. I've stayed at the express before, though."

"The express doesn't have our restaurant. There may be a few of our business partners here and I will have to introduce you to them to make our relationship seem more believable. Go along with what I say and there shouldn't be a problem. I'll try to answer any questions that might arise so you won't embarrass us. Hopefully, we can just be seen and not be spoken too."

I was going to start keeping track of the time between his oblivious insults and set records. "Are you going to tell me what to order, too?" I said snidely.

Once again, he seemed to miss my sarcasm, because he tilted his head to the side a little and gave me a confused look. "You can't do so yourself?"

Sighing, I reached for my door handle. "Forget it."

"Wait!" Bennett demanded, unbuckling his seatbelt. "I'll get your door for you."

I wanted to say I was fine but figured I should let him do his thing. I guess it was the polite thing to do. He probably wanted to look as chivalrous as he could. My door opened a moment later and he offered his hand out to me. I gripped it and he easily pulled me out of the car and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Let me know if I make you uncomfortable," he murmured into my ear, his hand squeezing my hip.

I felt shivers go down my spine and I took a small breath. His hand was by no means uncomfortable. Pushing me forward lightly, we made our way up to the glass doors of the entrance. A few men in suits lingered around the entrance, chatting and taking drags from cigarettes. Even from where I was I could see the No Smoking signs posted. The smoke wafted in the air and I coughed a little.

I heard Bennett laugh under his breath as we walked up to the group. They stood directly in our way and didn't move when we approached them. Bennett cleared his throat. "Excuse me, gentlemen. This is a no smoking area."

Only one of the men turned to us, his face annoyed. Upon seeing Bennett, his expression turned to horror and he quickly threw down his cigarette and ground it into the pavement. "Mr. Calloway, I'm so sorry!" He bent down to retrieve the butt and bowed his head.

The other three men looked over and quickly caught on, taking the cigarettes from their mouths and spitting out apologies. I was a little impressed. Bennett had these guys walking on glass with just one glance. I didn't see what was so intimidating about Bennett, but after inspecting the men I realized they were all wearing name tags.

"We didn't know you were stopping by," the first guy spoke, his eyes wide. "Y-your mother is out of town."

"We implemented the no smoking rule to keep our guests with respiration problems safe. It's not a suggestion. It's a rule. I expect my employees to follow the rules of the establishment at the very least," Bennett said, speaking with a tone of authority.

"We're sorry," another guy spoke up.

I looked up at Bennett and almost didn't recognize him. His stern expression made him look older in a way. Was this how he was with all his employees? Was he about to fire these guys?

"I know our customers are stressful, but if you need a cigarette that badly please use the employee courtyard and not stand in front of the entrance. Use your heads." His words were harsh, but his expression finally softened. "I'm assuming you four are on your break. Please continue it in the courtyard. If I catch you doing this again, I won't just warn you."

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by Jordan Lynde ⋆
Henley agrees to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for a f...
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