Chapter 26- part 2

Start from the beginning

“I’m not… cute!” Joanna exclaimed like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world.

“See? Cute.” Chelsea giggled and shrugged before she walked to Joanna to detach the IV injection.

“Ok, you should be fine now, Joan Cage.”

Something about the way the nurse said Joanna’s name made her shudder. And she couldn’t be happier to just leave this place.

“What was that about?” Kevin asked her as she walked in front of him.

“What do you mean?” Joanna asked, not really sure herself.

“Your clash with that nurse. I don’t know if that was a woman’s thing, but you could’ve hold your damn temper a little in there!” Kevin said and Joanna turned around to face him.

“I don’t trust her, ok?” she exclaimed at him before she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her.

“Are you alright?” Kevin suddenly asked, noticing her imbalance.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess it’s that drug that woman gave me.” Joanna said resentfully as she rubbed her temple with her fingers then turned around to continue walking.

“You can’t act all cocky because you think you don’t trust a person.” Kevin looked like he wouldn’t drop the previous subject so Joanna decided to ignore him.

Once they reached the cells hall, it was already light off time, and most the prisoners were inside their cells.

Kevin led her to the stairs that took her to her cell.

Julian was sulking since the Shower encounter with Joan. No, he’d been sulking ever since he harassed her to find out her true identity.

He was standing in front of his now empty cell, waiting for her. it was almost the end of the day, and lights was going to be off soon.

If only he could see her, and make sure she was all right, then he’d be relieved.

He stood there, half of his body popping out of his cell when he saw Joanna ascending the stairs. Her very light –like sun waves- blonde hair appearing first. She was still wearing his jumpsuit and that made something flutter inside Julian’s heart. protectiveness.

She was so pale, though, which made the bruise in her right jaw more pronounced. Then she looked up and caught his gaze.

Julian wanted to jump out of the cell when she was close to hers, but he knew she needed space from everyone now more than ever. Literally.

“Hey, how are you now?” ofcoarse, he couldn’t stop his wild mouth.

Joanna and Kevin both looked at him with different expression. Kevin with a protective look of his own, and Joanna with a very jumbled look. She stared at him for couple of seconds before she looked away and went inside her cell.

“Joan! Oh my God, how are you now?” Julian heard Hank say from inside the cell and he clenched his jaw in frustration.

Joanna said something too, but her voice was too low and cracked for him to hear.

“Morales, take care of your roommate.” Kevin was now talking to Hank, instructing him. “One of the guards will come at five a.m. to give him the second dose of the meds. He’ll be so weak because of the side effects of it. So please, make sure he’ll be ok.”

Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now