"I will only ask you one more time. Get out of here and never come back. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. You seemed to have your backup plan all figured out before. A man for every bit of spare time you had. Well go to your men. My needs are more than you think. I will not share my woman with another soul. Get out!"

"But you are the only man I have. Are you going to listen to what this little bitch told you? Clearly she is just trying to sabotage our relationship for her own pleasure."

"Don't you dare give me that bullshit. You know you cheated and that is a fact. Don't try to make this look like it is my fault. You brought this upon yourself. I will not stand to see you treat him like he is a fool. His father is the greatest man I know and as the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Get over yourself."

Dimitri's lips shifted up into a small one-sided smile that lasted only a second. His eyes turned back to Adrianna with a glare growing more deadly as time progress.

Adrianna felt wounded. Two against one. She hated losing a battle, especially in front of a chick she didn't like. Her lips opened once more to put up a fight.

"Well apparently your mother's tree wasn't so great because you are quite a spoiled apple. Didn't your mother ever teach you to stay out of other people's business? Perhaps she was too busy having it out with your father for producing such an incompetent offspring." She laughed boisterously.

Valarie's heart twisted in knots. The mere mention of her parents, especially in such light brought back the worse of her memories. Tears pooled like lava behind her eyes, ready to break its bank.

"Don't you dare speak of my parents" she warned Adrianna.

"Or what? Is it that you are ashamed of them too?" she mocked.

That was the last straw. Valarie could no longer contain her twitching palm. Without warning, she swung her hand at the perpetrator, connecting flesh with flesh. Her heated hand echoed on Adrianna's cheek. The force caused her head to jerk violently to the other side and she stumbled and fell the floor. Valarie fisted her hand and leaned over her body. All the nerves within her ticked to give her another blow but her heart, like a traitor, found peace within her. She gave her one last glare before storming out the door.

Dimitri stood open-mouthed for a moment. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. Did Valarie really just slap Adrianna? The fact gave him some form of satisfaction. He smiled inwardly, for she had done the job he could not have done.

Adrianna sat on the floor with her palm over her burning skin. Something had finally gotten her to shut up this time. Her lips were not sealed as if they had been stuck together with cement. Dimitri couldn't stand to waste his breath any longer. It was like he had been talking to a brick wall. He walked over to the phone and picked it up.

"I'm calling security. If I can't get you out, maybe I'll just find somebody else who can.'

Before he could even dial in the number, she jumped to her feet. Her face was now crimson red. Adrianna straightened her close, swelled her cheeks like a puffer fish and exited the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Yeah, just what I thought" Dimitri murmured as she left.

Valarie really needed to cool down. She paced the floor feverishly in hope that her temperature would drop by at least half. She couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten that angry. Her mind played over the seen and she ran her hands through her hair in frustration. The thought had only just occurred to her that Dimitri had seen everything. What if her actions were enough to get her fired? She couldn't let that happen. The bank had already called her again to reminder her about her payments and losing her job was the last thing she needed right now.

Though she was eager to find out what the outcome was, going back there now wasn't exactly the best idea. If Adrianna was still there, she would have probably ripped off her head. Her feet let her to a safe place, Kyle's workshop.

From the distance, he could see her talking to another girl. She approached the two and both heads turned to face her.

"Ahh Valie!" Kyle greeted.

She smiled "The Valley of death!"

"Oh yes, you are a walking disguise of destruction" Kyle stroked her ego.

Her chin pointed towards the heavens in a gesture of pride.

Kyle chuckled. "I'll like you to meet Ashley. She is just starting here." He introduced the girl, standing next to her.

"Ashley this is Valarie. Once of the best designers we have around."

"No, no I'm not an A lister" she averted to modesty.

"Oh don't be silly. Don't listen to a word she says Ashley. You be the judge for yourself. Remember the designs I showed you earlier? Well here is your designer."

Her brown eyes lit up. "Oh my God you have got to be kidding me! Your designs are amazing! I'm so excited to be here. It have been my dream to work here. I'm very fond of Mr. Osbourne. And his son, he is just gorgeous!"

Valarie glanced at Kyle and snorted. She tried to contain her laughter. The excitement in her voice couldn't keep a smile off of her face. She analyzed the girl internally. Her focus seemed to be in the interest of the company and that was indeed a great quality to have. Now that Adrianna was out of the box, she had to start looking at potential candidates.

"Have you met Dimitri yet?" she questioned.

"Oh no not yet but I am most eager to meet him. I would probably pull anything to wound up as his assistant. If I work with him, I'll make sure that he will never have work to do. Men like him just need to sit back and let someone take care of them sometimes."

Valarie again tried to suppress her smile. "So you think you can take care of him?" Valarie asked.

"Of course I can. I have way more to offer than most other girls you know."

"Hmm, interesting." Valarie took a moment to analyze further.

"What if I told you that I can take you to meet him now? How would you say?"

"I would say, what the hell are you waiting for?"

They all busted out into laughter.

"Do you mind if I borrow her for a second? I think I should take her to meet him."

"Sure. I was going to do it anyway sometime so why not?"

Kyle patted Ashley on her shoulder. "Try not to freak out okay?"

She chuckled and followed behind Valarie.

Valarie walked reluctantly towards the office. She still wasn't ready to face him again but the more proactive she is in her job, the greater the chances of her getting to keep it. She knocked on the door and entered after Dimitri invited them in.

His eyes immediately met hers and she bent her head to break the contact. Her body fidgeted. She didn't know how to act. Dimitri still hadn't looked at Ashley though she was standing right next to Valarie. An awkward silence began to brew and Valarie opted to stop it before it progressed to a worse stage.

She cleared her throat. "Um, we have a new worker. Her name is Ashley. I just thought I would bring her here to meet you before the day slips by."

She turned to face Ashley. "Ashley, this is-"

"Dimitri Osbourne!" Ashley cut across.

Valarie laughed. "Yes, there is no need for the introduction there." she shifted uncomfortably in her spot. Dimitri still hadn't taken his eyes off of her. The room suddenly felt airless. Valarie tried to act normal but she was failing. He kept staring at her and it only made her feel worse. She needed fresh air before she passed out right there and then.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it. I have to go help Kyle work on something so I'll take my leave now."

She spun around without waiting for a response and walked swiftly out of the room.

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