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On my way up to my room, I have to change out of these soaked clothes, I just kept thinking:

The entire date would have been way better if it was with Matthew. Who am I kidding, it would be better if it was with Matt, it would be different. But I did have a lot of fun with Nash, I just don't like him the way I like Matt. I shouldn't like Matt the way I do, he's the closest friend I've made on this tour, but here I am thinking about dating him and not Nash. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't be thinking about either of them that way. The trip is halfway over, I go home in two weeks where there is no Matt or Nash. I shouldn't start a relationship, not now, not with a guy that lives halfway across the country and travels all the time.

The more I thought about the reasons not to date, the more convinced I was to not date anyone. And to think, the whole purpose of going into those thoughts was to choose a boy. I get to my room change into one of my baggy Lox Smith shirts and a pair of sweatpants, I put my hair into a French braid then head towards Matts room.

I knock on the door and walk in, not even bothering to wait for him to open the door. He's sitting on his bed watching some horror movie. He looks at me and motions for me to come sit with him, I lay down on my back with my head in his lap.

"How was you date with Nash?" He asks with a small smile. Why are you so happy about this?

I shrug and say, "It was okay, it was fun but not the best thing in the world."

"So are you two... a thing now?" He asks unsure of himself.

"No, it was just one date." I would rather have you for that... "Matthew,"

"Yeah?" He says looking deeply into my eyes.

"Are you okay? Everyone's worried about you." I say.

"Honestly," he says, sadness clear in his eyes, "I've been way better. I don't stand a chance anymore, you like Nash and I can't do anything about it."

I take in a shocked breath sitting up and facing him, "What?"

"I like you Cora, maybe even love you, but you like Nash and-" He says starting to babble.

I cut him off saying, "I never liked Nash... I've liked you since day one. But you never seemed to like me back..."

"So I have a real chance? If I was to ask you out now I have a good chance of you saying yes?" He says looking at me with his big, brown, excited eyes.

"Well-" I begin to say.

"Cora, will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" He says getting down on one knee on the floor holding my hand.

"Matthew," I say with tears slipping down my face.

"You weren't supposed to cry!" he says getting off the floor and hugging me.

"Matt, it became to late when I was on the way over here..." I say into his chest.

"What! What do you mean?" He says putting his chin on my head.

I remove my head from his chest and say, "We only have two weeks left here, then you go back to Virginia and I go back to Oklahoma. I don't want to start a relationship here only for it to be destroyed in two weeks. We're just going to be to far away." the silent tears keep flowing as I slowly get up to leave.

Once I was standing I pick up the pace and practically run towards the door, but Matt reaches the door before I do and holds it shut, "Matt please, I beg you, let me go," I say silent tears still slipping down my cheeks.

He looks into my eyes with his beautiful, brown ones that are holding back tears before saying, "I will win you over, Cora. You aren't leaving the state of California until I am able to call you mine. You will be able to call me 'babe' before you leave here. I'm never going to give up on you." He then lets a single tear slide down his face before opening the door.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now