chapter 5

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Mr.wahlbergs POV

As I watched her walk out the door, I began to think to myself. She is different, I don't know what it is about her but it drove me crazy.I was looking forward to tomarrow to see what she is like I have to admit I only met her today but I think I might feel some thing for her.

Ari's POV

So it was a typical day at school,basically the same as yesterday and it was lunchtime. I sat next to ivory and Karl, he didn't sit with us yesterday cause he was a little sick. You could tell he was a good boyfriend to her cause hes just like her in a way.if he sees any guy so much as bite their lip at her he would beat some ass real last year a guy came from behind her and slapped her ass real hard and said"slap ass Friday!!!!" And that ticked Karl the fuck off and he put that boy in the hospital and soon after the boy moved and switched schools.
"So Karl has some classes with is too,and he also has Mr.wahlberg with us to." She said teasing meand saying his name with a flirty voice.but I did find my self making sure I looked extra perfect and trying to think what he would like to see me in. "All I'm saying is if that teacher even looks your way like he wants you I'll knocks his teeth down his fucking throat."Karl said he is so over protective of her and I wouldnt blame them because she is prettier than top 10 models. So we finished our lunch and went to class.I also found myself nervous to enter 7th period after my other classes were over.

mark wahlberg is my teacher ( love story)Where stories live. Discover now