"It's okay Harry." I couldn't see Faith's facial expression, but her voice was firm and confident. I smiled, approving what my daughter said. I had her back. It was wonderful. I thought I had lost her forever.

"No," Harry argued. "Niall deserves to have his best friend around. I wish I still did..." His voice lowered to a whisper.

"I'm not leaving," Faith stated. I gasped in dismay as Faith let go of my hand, turning around to me with her dark eyes. Her expression didn't change at all.

"Mother, let us talk," she said, commanding more than inviting. She then walked straight to the open door and out into the brisk air as I followed. I didn't know what to say, and it frightened me. I always knew what to say, but not now. I just followed, trying hard to think of what plan I should go with next. I had about eight different scenarios planned out in my head and how I'd react to them all. But this one wasn't something I planned.

"Faith, honey," I pleaded as soon as we were alone.

"Mother, I know why you're here..." she said slowly, as if each word hurt to say.

I raised my eyebrow. "Pardon? I highly doubt you know why I'm here," I laughed lightly. Ah, my little Faith thought she knew everything. Perhaps I could still salvage the situation here. Faith had to come home.

"I'm not stupid mother!" she suddenly exclaimed, surprising me.

"What has happened to your language? Rude!" I gasped, trying to guilt her into silence as I had countless times before. I hated to nag her, but it was the only way. She simply glared at me. I swallowed and quickly came up with something else to distract her. "I'm quite sure you don't know that you're ill, now do you?"

Faith clamped her lips together, playing with her hair as she always did when she was nervous.

I smiled weakly. "It's okay. We can get through this. I already talked to Dr. Blank and–," I told her, but she just started laughing. What had gotten into her? She never laughed or talked back to me. What was Niall teaching this girl? I knew he was bad. She was becoming more and more like...the old her.

"I know I'm ill! I know everything. I know that you've talked to Dr. Blank every weekend about my health since I got my operation. I know you've been trying your hardest to hide it. I know everything, don't you understand, Mother? And on top of that, I'm 19 and I'm allowed to legally call the cops on you for following me around. So leave me alone. I love you, Mom, but please," she burst out, starting passionately before growing more subdued. She stared at the ground for a moment before looking me in the eye. "So how long?"

I stared back at her in shock. How could she possibly know all this?! "It was my brother, wasn't it!" I exclaim in outrage, pulling out my phone. He was always so good at ruining things! I never should have trusted him.

"It wasn't Uncle James. I have ears, Mother. I told you, I'm not stupid," she repeated. I watched her, looking for anything other than the eerie calm that had possessed her since I arrived.

"I decided to have fun for once, Mom. And Niall, Harry and Aria are great friends. They would never hurt a single fly, let alone me."

I scoffed. To think that pop stars wouldn't destroy her life was just preposterous. And who in the bloody hell was Aria?! She couldn't stay with them. No matter how nice they were, they would still...

I shook my head slightly. No, Faith had to come home with me.

"Do you want me to call the police, Mother?" she blurted out. I inhaled sharply. She wouldn't! Not the new Faith. Not the one I kept away from Niall. She wouldn't. She couldn't afford to do that!

"From the stories I heard, you were so much nicer before I lost my memory. I wish I could have met you then." She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'd rather enjoy my life. Because 'Yolo'–, was it? Yeah I'm quite sure it was 'Yolo'."

I opened my mouth to reply, feeling something break inside, but before I could, she stepped away. She went back inside, slamming the door.

I stood there for a few moments, trying desperately to hold back tears. I couldn't understand what had just happened. How could Faith – my sweet little Faith! – do this to me? Didn't she understand? All I wanted was for her to live as long as possible, and the best way to do that was for her to stay home, safe, with me!

Hardly a second later, the door opened, interrupting my panic attack. Faith's head popped out. "Care for some tea?"

I stood, baffled, staring at her. I felt like I hardly knew this new girl. She certainly wasn't the fun, outgoing Faith I raised the first time. But neither was she the quiet, submissive Faith I raised the second time. She was entirely new, and I didn't know what to do with her.

Still, I silently accepted her offer, not knowing what else to do. 

Let's Pretend [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now