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Chica's Pov:

It was the end of school Bonnie Freddy and I started to wander home. I heard footsteps behind us as we stopped at the cross walk. I turned my head, my eyes widen. I leaned close to Bonnie's ear, "Why is Foxy following us?" I whispered. She turns her head towards Foxy, "He is coming over to actually start the project." She said shaking her head. I frowned.

Freddy glared at Foxy and cursed under his breath."Then we'll stay with you guys." I said quickly "Yeah just so nothing bad happens." Freddy agreed. "Thanks." Bonnie said smiling cutely. "OMG BONNIE DONT DO THAT SMILE ITS JUST TO CUTE >3<." I squealed hugging her. Freddy chuckled nodding. Foxy looked away blushing. Bonnie hugged me back,"Let's hurry and cross." Bonnie said as it showed the sign to cross the street. Foxy was inching closer to us little by little, Freddy and Bonnie were twitching their ears aware that he was closer. I looked back and caught Foxy's eye. "Aye lass you look cute as ever." He winked at me. I averted my eyes blushing. We kept walking in silence.

"Bonnie can we eat something." I asked as my stomach growled. "Yeah sure what do you want to eat?"Bonnie asked looking around. "How about Kfc?" Foxy said jokingly while holding in his laugh. "ROOD!" I shrieked of being offended. "That is rood but, very clever!" Freddy chuckled. Bonnie looked at me with a face that said ugh boys...

Foxy's Pov:

Freddy and I were still laughing at the joke, Bonnie rolled her eyes and walked besides Chica. "Bonnie we should go to subway." Chica said pointing toward the subway to our left. "Ok." She said and went to the building. Freddy and I walked there as well. Freddy has already stopped laughing and was glancing at us a couple of times.

-after ordering-

"Nomnomnomnom!" We all munch hungrily. Bonnie,Chica,and Freddy seemed to have loosened up now. We chatted as we ate. "We should hurry and get home to do our homework." Bonnie said clean up her trash. Chica nodded and also cleaned her trash. I took Freddy's trash and threw it away with mine. "Uh thanks, but I could've thrown it away myself." Freddy said concerned. "Well I just want to be nice." I said grinning. Bonnie and Chica looked at each other and then looked at me. I flashed them my signature smile, "Ugh, you make me so mad." Bonnie said glaring at me while blushing. " Chica averted her eyes and walked out the door with Bonnie and Freddy.

I chuckled. I walk out and see them waiting for me. "Hurry up Foxy we don't have all day!" Bonnie called out. "Ok lass hold up!" I smirked and ran towards them. We walked home. "Well we're here! Mi casa su casa!"

"Yay lets get our homework done."
"Let's go!" Freddy said heading to the door."Foxy what are you doing here?" Said a voice. I tensed. Bonnie and Freddy glared at the person behind me. Chica's eyes burned with fury. I turned around to see Mangle shocked. "Aye." I said casually. "Oh Foxy did you come to see me?!" She said seductively."Frick off Mangle!" Bonnie said angrily. "Oh I see you are here with these losers."Mangle said walking towards them. "Look Bonnie I don't know what your trying to do but Foxy is mine." She said crossing her arms smiling. "I-I n-never said I wanted him!" Bonnie hissed at Mangle."Mangle just leave them alone." I glared at her.

Chica grabbed Bonnie by the arm and pulled her into the house. Freddy cursed at her before entering the house he put up the middle finger at her. I sighed and followed. "Bai babe!" Mangle said innocently. I closed the door with out saying anything. I felt the tension in the house grow. I gulped. Chica and Bonnie were whispering to each other while Freddy sat on the couch glaring at the window where Mangle could be seen. "Uhm should we start on the project?" I said changing the subject trying to release the tension. "Uh sure..." Bonnie answered after 2 seconds of hesitation to answer. Chica blinked her eyes still dazed on what just happened. "The project we are doing is to make an animal anatomy." "Ok what animal shall we do it on?" Bonnie twitched her ears. "Hmm maybe a dog?" I suggest. "..." Bonnie said nothing. "Casey and I already decided our animal in class." Chica said with delight. "Bonnie can I use a computer to see what Jeffery and I can make?" Bonnie nodded. "Don't use my laptop cuz I'm using that!" She yelled across the hall to them. "OK!" Freddy shouted. "Oooo I want to help you pick." Chica said excitedly as she followed him."Well let's go search up how the anatomy of a dog looks." Bonnie said without looking at me. "Lass er uh why were you spaced out?" "It's nothing." She answered walking to her room. I followed her to her room. She grabbed her laptop and sat on her bed. I hesitated by the doorway. She looked up at me. "Well come on in." She blinked her eyes at me. "O-ok." I stuttered. " I sat next to her looking at the computer screen. "Hmm so we have to make that?" I tilted my head. "Yeah so what do you want to make it out of." Bonnie glanced at me. "How about some clay!" I laid back on the bed. "Yeah that would be good, good idea!" She smiled at me. "Hehe thanks lass." I blushed as I looked at the ceiling. "Oh what kind of dog should it be on?" She flashed me a glance. "Hmm maybe a collie." I rubbed my chin. "A collie.. Really... I was thinking maybe a Golden retriever." "Uh I guess I mean if you want the work to be harder." I muttered. "Meh it's pretty easy for me." She shrugged her shoulders. I sighed as I sat up and looked back at the screen. The screen wasn't on dogs anymore it was on YouTube. "Uhh what are you doing?" I asked. "I'm gonna watch some anime." She sighed. "Anime? Why?" I watched her type in an anime title. "Cuz I'm an otaku." She smirked. "Oh I see." "Oh Foxy~Senpai please notice me." She teased me while lowering her ears. "Bonnie Chan. I have already noticed you." I played along. "Hehe oh Foxy~Senpai you will be mine forever!" She whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my spine. She ruffled my hair and went back to the dog anatomy tab. "Ok we need to buy some clay." She glanced at me troubled. "I can buy it." I said while Freddy and Chica entered the room. "Hey guys!" I smiled. Freddy and Chica nodded at me. "We both told Jeffery and Casey what we need." Freddy said while stretching. "We're gonna split up the supplies by who is getting what." "Oh we need to buy stuff too." Bonnie replied without looking up. "So we can go together?" Freddy asked. "Yes." I answered. "So what do you guys need." "We need clay and a modeling board. Bonnie answered. "How about you guys?" I asked. "Well I just need to buy the board and paint." Freddy answered. "All I need to get is the board,the paper mache ,and wires." Chica grinned.

~after the shopping trip~

Bonnie's Pov:

"Gosh these things cost a lot." I sighed. "Mhm one reason why I hate projects." Chica agreed. I twitched my ears. Freddy and and Foxy were chatting about who had the bigger muscle. I rolled my eyes at the sight. I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink. I heard foot steps heading to the kitchen.

I angled my ears to hear it better. "Bonnie?" "Hm?" "Do you like Foxy?" Chica asked. My ears twitched. "I do like him.. As a friend." I answered slowly. She walked up to me. "Bonnie I've seen the way he looks at you. He likes you." Chica chuckled. "W-wait why did you bring this up?" I looked at Chica. "I don't know just wondering if you knew." She shook her head unsure. I went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. I gulped down some water. We walked back to the living room. "Alright we should stop here for now.." I said with approval in how much progress we've made. I grabbed my backpack and went back to my room.

"Where are you going?" Foxy asked. Chica and Freddy grabbed their stuff and followed. "We're going to Bonnie's  room to do homework." Chica explained without looking back. "I see." Foxy grabbed his backpack and followed us. I dropped my stuff on my bed and plopped down. "I'm tired." I sighed sitting up as Chica and Freddy sat on the floor nodding. "I wish we could take a nap." Chica pouted. "Yeah but we have to get homework done so we can do good in life." Freddy yawned grabbing his homework out of his binder. "Aye have you guys ever not done homework?" Foxy walked in with a smirk. "Nope, we always do home work so we can achieve our goals." I explained. "Freddy plans to open his own Pizzaria." Chica grinned. "Yeah and I hope that it will be a 5 star rating Pizzaria." Freddy's eyes gleamed. "Hehe let's get our homework done then." Foxy grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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