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Eating hasn't always been something I did everyday My body is skinny and the doctor demands that I eat. I have gone days without eating or I have eaten too little. I have always been busy cleaning and take care of the pack house, I haven't really had time to eat, plus since Peter has been having sex with so many girls, it would have made my eating habit lesson and I would have stopped eating. I did, but now that I am in the hospital, I have to eat. I am at the moment eating some JELL-O and pancakes. I know it is a weird combination, but I have a craving for both of them. I have taken my pills, I don't know what they are for, but Dr. Tower says that they will help me. I do like them even though the headaches are kinda getting me frustrating and I am always thirsty. I guess I have to get used to it though. I scoop out the rest of the jell-o and then go back to my pancakes. I can't wait to get more food. I do honestly like the food here, but that is probably because this is a werewolf hospital and not a human hospital. Thank god. 


I sat in the waiting room. It has been a day since I have last visited Stella. Dr. Tower says that they have given her the anti-depression pills. She is getting a bit better, but not enough to let me talk to her. Ms Harper says that she does feel alone which I do need to work on once she is with me or at least in the pack house. I don't want Stella to feel so alone. I am her mate and I need her to be happy and smile. I look down at my hands and sigh. I then look up and see Dr. Tower walk towards me. I get up as he walks towards me. "Alpha, nice to see you again. Here to check up on Stella?" I nod my head. He nods and then walks, leading me somewhere. "Ms. Harper and I have been talking. Stella is doing well, she is eating and her body is getting a bit healthy. Her mind is fragile and she does need some more help. Her progress is steady which is good. The pills are helping her. I don't know if she will need them though after her recovering or how long she will need them though because we don't know what really goes on in her mid or what she thinks. Ms Harper is doing her best to help her, so far she has been doing good. As long as she stays the pace she is now, she will do fine." He says. I nod my head and then head we head towards another counter that was big and round and had about four nurses there. 

I looked around and there I saw, Stella in her room. The curtains were pulled back so you could see her in her room. I felt my heart thudding a bit faster. I look at her and smile. She looked at peace. She wasn't sleeping, she was eating. I love that she is eating. I want to see her eat as much as she can eat. I want to see food around her mouth and see her laugh about it. I saw her eat pancakes. She was never allowed to eat a lot when she was in the pack hospital. I would see her eat time to time, but she was always busy cleaning and taking care of the pack house, she didn't have the chance to eat a lot. She would get skinnier and skinnier each day. She grew paler and paler. Each day, I would see her clean and scrub the floors. No one respected her or even thanked for everything she has done around the pack. I didn't. And now look at where she is. "She is eating." I say. Dr. Tower nods his head. "It is good. Don't worry about her so much though, Alpha. It won't be long until she is back at the pack house." He says. I nod my head. 

"She looks a bit healthy." I say while looking at her. It is true. She does look a bit healthy. Eating, her hair now down and neat, her skin getting a bit of color, and she seems to look a bit more like the old her. "Well, I better head back to the pack house. Call me if anything big happens with Stella." I say. Dr. Tower nods his head before I walk away. I drive to the pack house once I exit the hospital and get in my car. It did hurt to leave Stella there in a fragile position, but I am still the Alpha and I do have a job I need to do. I arrive at the pack house and exit my car, walking inside the pack house. "Sup, Alpha." A pack members says as he passes by me. I nod and then head upstairs towards my office. Entering it, I see Victor waiting there. He turns around and looks at me. Victor hasn't spoken to me since Stella first got in the hospital. He is mad that I rejected Stella and practically tortured her. He hasn't heard of the things that Ms. Harper or what Dr. Tower has told me though. I know that once he does know what I did and what is going on with Stella, he will get mad and beat me to the pulp. 

"Hey." I say as I close the door to my office. He looks at me and then sits down on the couch on the left side of my office. I walk towards my desk and sit behind it, looking at him. "I want to know what is going on with Stella. I have the right to know what is going on with my sister." It is strange to hear him say "sister" from him because for the past years, he referred Stella as 'that mutt' or the 'weak omega' or just 'omega.' Never as his sister though. "I know. You do have every right to know what is going on with Stella. I have been visiting and seeing what has been going on. I haven't been allowed though to see her personally, only when she is asleep. Dr. Tower says that she is doing fine so far. They have given her to some pills so she doesn't worse and they have been feeding her. Today, just a few minutes ago, I saw her eat. She looks a bit more healthy. But, she did have an episode. Dr. Tower hired someone to help Stella mentally. Ms. Harper will be helping her and be her therapist. They have given her some anti-depression pills and she has spoken with Stella. But, I do think that what they have spoken about, you should ask Ms. Harper. I don't think it is good that I tell you." I say. 

He nods his head and then leans in, putting his hands on his lap. "We aren't allowed to see her then?" I shake my head. "They say it isn't good for her to see us. Her mental state isn't good and that it will take a bit longer to heal her mentally then physically. All we can do is wait for her to decide what she does." I say to him. He nods again and then gets up. "You do know that I am pissed at you, right?" I nod my head. He does have a right to be mad at me. "And, I know that you regret what you did, but it doesn't fix my sister. I know that I don't have a right to be mad and blame everything on you because everything started because of me. I just don't like what you did. Mates are for life and you knew what happened if you went and had sex with other woman. Stella was in pain and I couldn't do anything because I didn't know. She is the only family I have left. She is everything to me and even though Stella won't know that, she will forever be my sister. I don't want to loser her. But, if her not being near me makes her happy, then I will stay away from her. I just don't want her out of my life.

"I love her. And my mom and dad would hate me for what I have done to her. I promised them that I would protect Stella if something bad happened. I broke it though. I broke it and I broke Stella. I hate though that you are her mate. You have never been the guy that just stayed with one girl unless it was for one night. Plus, you have always been known as the player and a bad influence. Stella deserves more than you. She is kind girl, she always been kind. And you are a just a guy who loves sex and can't take orders from others. I don't want someone bad for Stella. I don't want someone like you to be with Stella. But, you guys are fated to be together for a reason. I just don't want her to be in pain anymore. She has had enough of that. She needs happiness." He finishes. I looked at him and then slowly stood up from my desk. I was a bit angry, but he is right. I am bad for Stella. But, we are fated to be together. 

"Victor, you have known me ever since you moved in the pack house several years ago. And you did see what I did and see that I am not a good guy, but you don't have to worry about me anymore. I have changed. I haven't slept with a girl ever since Stella has been in the put in the hospital. And, I don't want to hurt Stella anymore. Just like you, I want to see her happy. I want to see her smile and laugh. I am sick and tired of seeing her sad and cry. I am tired of seeing her in so much pain. It kills me to see her in pain. I have changed for her. And you are right. I don't deserve Stella. She deserves someone better than me. I have hurt her in so many ways and there is no way to take it all back. But, Stella is my mate. I will do anything to make her happy. I just want to see her happy." Victor then sighs and combs his hair with his hands. "Stella is a special girl. She always has been. She is also a broken girl that needs to be fixed. It just pains me to know that I will grow up with the guilt and I will have to see her with all of those scars knowing that I have caused them or that I have helped caused them. Seeing her happy  though would be a dream come true. I haven't seen her smile for several years now. Don't hurt her, Peter. She is all I have left. If you do ever hurt her, I will beat you so hard, you won't have that pretty face on you anymore." He warns. I nod my head, a bit afraid. 

He nods and then leaves. I breath out in relief and then sit down. "What the hell am I going to do?" I ask myself because at the moment, I have no idea what to do. My life isn't what I expected a month ago. Everything changed all from one person. And I do think I need the change. 

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