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I sat there on my bed, just staring at the white hospital wall. There was food set in front of me on a tray, but I couldn't get myself to sleep. The voices. They just won't stop. I can hear them whispering in my ear. I could hear his voice. I could hear all of their voices. I can hear EVERYTHING. I then suddenly hear a knock before Ms. Harper comes in. I look at as she walks in and at the food of my bed. "Hello, Stella. How are you doing?" She asks in a kind soft voice. I look at her and then look down at my lap. "The voices. They won't stop. I can hear them, whispering." I say. I then hear her heels click against the marble floor as she walks to the left side of my bed. "Don't worry about the voices. I will help you. All you need is take these pills that I give you. I promise they won't hurt you." She says. I nod my head and then I look at her out reached hand that has two pills in her hand. I reach my hand out and take them. She then pours me a glass of water and gives it to me. I take it and then put the pills in my mouth and take a sip of the water, both the liquid and the pills making their way in my throat and in my body. I then give back the glass of water and she places it down on the table next to my bed. 

"The pills will kick in, in about ten to fifteen minutes. Don't worry. You should rest and eat. It will heal your body faster." She says. I nod my head and then look at my hands. The voices. They won't stop. I just hope that ten minutes past faster. I don't want to hear the voices anymore. Ms. Harper then walks at the foot of my bed again. "Now, Stella I am going to continue to ask you some questions. If you don't want to some questions, you can happily skip them. Now, lets get started." She says. She then opens a notebook and grabs a pen before looking at me. "How are you feeling right now?" She asks. I shrug. "Confused." I say. She writes it down. "How do you feel about still being in the pack?" She asks. I again shrug. "I don't want to be in it." I say. What is the point of lying about my feelings when I will always and forever be punished for everything I do. "Would you rather get transferred to another pack?" No. I will always and forever be seen a the weak pack member than can't do shit except clean after people. "What do you want?" I sigh. "I just want to be free. I want to be happy. I don't want to be in anyone's pack. I want to live peacefully without anyone commanding me to do anything. I want to be left alone and not have anymore pain. I am sick of being in pain and being sad all the time. I just want to be...alone." I say. She nods and continues to write. "Do you think you will be able to talk to your mate soon?" She asks. I shake my head with no hesitation. "How about your brother? Do you think you will be able to talk to him?" I shrug. "He hurt me. He told me that I was no sister to him. He told me that he hates me and then he would beat me. He would also say that I was the cause to our parents death and that I deserved to be punished. But, he is still my brother. He is the only family I have left. I know my brother doesn't care about family or about me, but I do. I just don't know if I care enough to stay." I say. 

She writes it down and then looks at me. "Do you think you will ever talk to any of them?" She asks. I again shrug. "They both hurt me to the point where I end up in the hospital and me going crazy. I can't stand to be near them and I can't stand to be any of them. I know that right after this, nothing will change. Nothing will change between us. I will always be seen as the weak omega and I will always be beat. My mate will continue to sleep with girls and I will be the lonely omega who everyone hates. And then I will have to stand by and watch my mate fall in love with another girl..." I looked at her with sad eyes. "She will be able to kiss him, hug him, laugh with him, be with him, smile with him. I will just stand there and watch. I will watch as he kisses her back, hugs her back, laugh with her, be with her, and smile with her. And I will watch as he propose to her, get married with her in his suit, be happy with her, and then I will watch as she gets pregnant with his pup, he is happy that she is carrying his mate and next heir. And then I will have to continue watching them as they be a happy family. I will be here, alone and sad, and heart broken. I will grow old and continue to be weak. I will get wrinkles and die a virgin who never got their first kiss. How sad is that? How sad is it to know that one girl got rejected by everyone and she died old as a virgin and never got her first kiss?" I ask her. 

I looked down at my lap and sigh. "And what if you did find someone that did like you, what then?" I then make a small smile. Wouldn't that be a dream come true. "I would leave with him and get away from this place. I would also try to make him happy and I would do anything to be happy with him. And I would try to get forget this life and make a new one. I would do all the things I have dream of. And I would be the most happiest girl alive. But we all know that not all dreams come true and that we all can't have a happy ending like everyone around us. I will always and will be the girl who no one liked." I started to feel a bit happy. A bit...light. And thirsty. "Can't I have some water?" I ask Ms. Harper. She nods her head and then she pours me a glass of water before giving it to me. I eagerly drink it and sigh once I finished. "The pills must have kicked in. Thirst is a symptom to the pills. You might be drowsy, but not too drowsy. You might also feel a slight headache, but it's normal. How are ?you feeling now?" I then giggle. I feel so light. I want to feel like this forever. "I feel so light. I feel like I am floating. Do you think my mate will ever love me? Do you think that he will continue to hit me and keep torturing me? Do you think...do you think that he will ever touch me lovely?" I ask. She then puts a hand on top of mines and gives me a small sad smile. "That is for you to decide. You are the answers to your questions." She says before she walks towards the sliding doors to my room and exits it. I sigh and look up at the ceiling. 

I do hope that one day I will get a happy ending, even if it does end up with be dying at an old age with no love. At least I won't be in this world to be in pain. I giggle again and then lay down, my side to the bed and my hands under my head. Oh what a sad world I live in. Pain has become my friend and only pain can take away the sadness I hold. And maybe I will find a bit of light in my life that I can hold onto. I smile as I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. 

Okay guys, I just do want to let you guys know I do make the posters that you guys see. Yes a few I got off of the internet, but most of them I do make. If you guys do want to know how I make them, just write in the comments letting me know. It is also how I made my covers to my stories. It is really easy to make them, I make them for free and I don't need to download anything. But, there is a slight problem as to getting the images onto the chapters because since you do need a URL for them, I don't know exactly how to get the URL to the images, but I do have another way. If you guys do want to know though how to make the posters and such, just write in the comments. Thank for reading and I do hope you guys do continue to read my stories. Love you!

Love, Lonewriter418

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