Chapter Six { You're An Adventure }

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"Psst...Zaynie..." A husky voice slowly awoke the raven haired boy from his deep sleep. The sound had caused his brow to furrow slightly, yet had not been strong enough to bring his eyelids to part.

There was the tickle of a brunette curl against his cheek before the weight of the bed intruder's body became known to him, the mattress dipping slightly before soft lips pecked at his grumpy brow. A slight grunt slipped from his lips as his hand tried to push the body away from him, before he heard the ringing of his alarm clock.

The bed companion produced a husky laugh, and even as Zayn rubbed his eyes slowly in an attempt to wake up, he still felt their presence close to him.

"It's 7 fucking am, again, have you ever had a lie in?" The voice asked curiously.

Zayn Malik leaned his long arm over to his bedside table and switched the alarm clock off, confirming with his own dark eyes that it was early morning before he looked across to the sleepy, yet content, face of Harry Styles. He hadn't quite known what had come over him the night before when he had allowed the boy to stay over. The last he had known was that the curly haired male had been set up on the sofa with some spare blankets and a pillow, and yet here he was, desperately trying to nuzzle into Zayn's tired body like a needy puppy.

The lanky male next to him tried to nuzzle his face into Zayn's neck, his large hands trying to tiredly wrestle the businessman's arm to wrap around himself, even though the raven haired boy simply batted the boy again once more, his tired face full of tickly curls that he didn't quite appreciate so early in the morning. With a triumphant push, he managed to get the boy away from him, if only by a few inches.

Zayn could only look over him in confusion before he let out a ragged sigh, his forehead finding contact with his palm after only moments of being in the boy's company.

"You're naked, aren't you?" Zayn grumbled, before peeking through his long fingers at the boy next to him.

There was a lazy smile on Harry Styles' lips as he quietly walked his index finger and his middle finger along the sheets and onto Zayn's tanned chest, before the brunette flicked the boy's nipple. The businessman quickly tutted and tried to bat his hand away quickly, covering himself up as much as he could.

"Clothes don't let me feel liberated." The boy grinned, before his green eyes looked up at the raven haired boy, who was looking towards him with his ever present disapproval.

Zayn sighed and tried to figure out whether he should scold the boy and tell him to return to the sofa, and clothe himself, or whether he should just get ready for work and focus on his routine instead. With one last glance to the boy next to him and how carefree the kid looked as he nestled into Zayn's sheets, he knew that scolding him would only egg the boy on, and instead threw the duvet from his own body to get ready for work.

He hadn't expected two eager hands to grab his hand and pull him back quickly, a slight yelp leaving Harry Styles' lips as he urgently tried to keep the male in bed with him.

"Have a lie in!" The brunette urged, his hands wrapping around Zayn's wrists somehow.

The businessman found that he had no strength to fight back against the stripper, he felt rather tired due to the late night previously. He and Harry had ended up staying up until rather late, well, late in Zayn's books even though the stripper had quoted that the late hour of one o'clock was simply child's play. The brunette was ruining his sleeping schedule and it made Zayn want to itch in displeasure.

And yet, his tummy churned a little as the two devilish green eyes looked at him eagerly, his wrists hostage to the brunette. For an extremely short, quiet moment, Zayn found himself forgetting need to get out of bed when his body was so eager to stay in it, especially with his new companion. This wasn't like him though, his attendance was exemplary and today would be no different.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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