Chapter Five { Charcoal Detailing }

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A fluffy pair of jogging bottoms soon braced his hips and an expensive, plain white t-shirt. He wouldn't normally dare let anyone except his family see him in such loungewear, but he was secretly hoping that he could send the stripper along on his way sooner rather than later so that he could get cooking some dinner. His stomach then rumbled in agreement as he mentally went through the ingredients in his fridge.

He took a breath and brought his chin to stand high, his shoulders pushed back, ready to face the boxer clad boy in a reserved and calm way. He prayed he wouldn't do anything stupid, like remember the picture as he looked over Harry's body. Of course, even he knew that that would be a tall order, and impossible.

He returned to the living room slowly and opened his mouth to bark an order to the curly haired boy to clothe himself and get going, but there was a loud knock on his front door which caused a curious eyebrow to rise above the other on his forehead. All he could do was watch in horror as the curly haired boy cheered and skipped over to the door, swinging it open, his large hand already gripping Zayn's leather wallet somehow as he exchanged pleasantries with a delivery boy. The raven haired boy's slipped open a little partly from shock and confusion as the stripper took the large white bag of food, before paying the guy with Zayn's money, and shutting the door.

The curly haired lad skipped over to where he had set up a little picnic blanket as such, Zayn's best linen bed throw was laid across the living room floor, coffee table moved out of the way as the businessman had suspected. The sofa cushions and pillows were sprawled everywhere as the boxer clad boy plopped down on the floor, the greasy bag of food in front of him.

The businessman's eyes could only look on in despair as he looked over the messy piles of food, now littered between piles of scrunched up paper, pens without lids on and pencil crayons strewn across the place. He felt slightly lifeless for a moment, not even knowing how to react before Harry's voice barked him back into motion.

"Come eat! I got a bit of like noodles or rice? And I know you only eat chicken, so I got you a chicken know how to use chopsticks? You look like a guy who knows how to use chopsticks." The boy babbled as he opened all the small cartons of food, his hands dipping into the bag to find the chopsticks in question.

"If you must eat then eat at the dining table." Zayn simply replied, even though his feet found himself forced forward, his hungry stomach leading him to his dinner.

The curly haired boy had ordered Chinese, and had taken Zayn's eating habits into account. Why did he do that? Why was he so nice, yet messy?

He slowly sat down opposite the boy, trying to avoid the floor that was now covered in odd sketches and doodles, colourful zig zags and other random things that Zayn would never be able to recreate. He would remind himself to ask later, on his ever-growing list of things to ask Harry Styles. He reached for his own box of food, looking over the packaging a little before the stripper thrust some chopsticks into his hands excitedly.

"I'm well good at this." Harry chuckled excitedly, digging in without concern of mess as always.

Zayn watched for a moment as the brunette brought a large piece of beef to his mouth, his tongue slowly slipping out to greet it first, something that Zayn had never witness anyone do so far in his life.

"I'm very good." Zayn simply corrected the boy in return, although the correction obviously went over the stripper's head as Harry looked up at him excitedly and said,

"Show me then!"

The raven haired male simply sighed and shook his head, his experience hands quickly picking up the rhythm of the chopsticks, having simply grown up using them on the odd occasion. There had been many occasions where he had had to host important business meetings with possible new clients, showing them the city and taking them out for lunches in a lot of worldly dining places.

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