Chapter 1

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Finally managing to pull the zipper closed on my overflowing suitcase, I take a minute and do a mental checklist just to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. I have my suitcase, iPod, toothbrush, wallet, extra socks, and pretty much anything else I might need.

"Anna," I faintly hear my mom calling from downstairs. I hurry to the door and crack it open so I can hear her better.

"What?" I call back. But I don't even need an answer because that's when I see my best friend climbing up the stairs excitedly. A smile forms on my face as I open my door wider to let her in.

"Are you ready?" She asks, perching herself on the edge of my bed.

I nod my head in response. "I think so."

She lets out a squeal of laughter and grabs my suitcase, already running downstairs without me. Shaking my head, I pick up my purse and turn out the light, taking a moment to look over my room before I follow her downstairs. When I reach the front door, my mom rushes over to me with her arms wide open.

"Oh honey, I'm gonna miss you so much!" She squeezes me tightly in her embrace. "My little girl is going out all on her own!"

I smile into her shoulder. "Mom, I'm 18, remember? Don't worry! It's only for two weeks, and besides, I have Lauren with me. What could go wrong?" I say the last part with a giggle. My mom knows us too well.

"Hm, let me just think about that one," she chuckles, releasing me. "And speaking of Lauren, I just saw that girl run out of this house with your bag like a maniac." I laugh and shake my head. Grabbing my jacket off its hook, I slide it on and zip it up. Tossing an 'I love you' over my shoulder, I step outside. Shivering, I hurry down the driveway and into the backseat of Lauren's little red Toyota. She sits in the seat beside me and her older brother is behind the wheel.

"Why did they have to choose winter break for this trip? It's too cold to do anything!" Lauren whines, glaring out the window at her snow covered surroundings.

I laugh. "Who knows. But at least it'll be warmer in Memphis!"

She shakes her head. "Yeah, and Atlanta, but we're only going to be there two days each! Then we're going to New York, which is pretty freaking cold!" I shake my head. This is should be interesting.



My eyes snap open as I jerk awake, startled. I take out my earbuds and squint, letting my eyes adjust. The first thing I see is Lauren's snickering face in the seat beside me. Sighing heavily, I sit up in my seat and shake my head.

"Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack." She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"Well I'm surprised you even heard me considering you're still listening to all that crap."

I stick my tongue out at her and snatch up my iPod from my lap, pausing the Elvis song that is currently playing. "You know, just because it's not new doesn't mean it's crap."

Stranger Things Have Happened (Elvis Presley story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu