Chapter 26- part 1

Start from the beginning

“Just get me out of here!” she hissed, panic obvious in her tone and tears threatening to drop from her steamy eyes.

He looked at her for a moment before he nodded and turn slowly so he wouldn’t bump into her; and opened the door slightly.

“Haaaaank!” he called loudly and felt her flinch behind him.

“What’s wrong?” Hank came to him; he obviously finished showering and was wrapping a towel around his waist.

“Could you get me my jumpsuit? It’s on locker number 14.” Julian told him flashing him his widest smile.

“You want me to bring it here? It’ll get wet.”

“Yeah well, I am weird and I want to wear wet cloths!” Julian told him comically, not really in the mood to pamper Hank’s OCD; and Hank frowned and folded his arms.

“Just bring it.” Julian said, rolling his eyes. Hank glared at him for a moment before he shook his head in frustration and went to the lockers.

Apparently he still didn’t forgive him for the stunt he pulled yesterday with Joan. If only Hank knew where Joan was right now!

Speaking of which, he wanted to turn around right now and look at her again, but he clenched his jaw to restrain himself. If he wanted her to trust him again, he’ll have to act as a gentleman. Gaagh, he hated that word.

“Here you go.” Hank appeared again and handed him his fresh jumpsuit. He still looked suspicious.

“Okay, fine, I’ll tell you!” Julian said to Hank and felt Joanna almost gasp behind him. What was she so afraid of? He obviously wouldn’t tell hank the truth! Didn’t she know him better than that?

“You see, I hide my stash in here.” He said before he pulled his head back inside the cubic and fought not to laugh out loud at Hank’s shocked expression; the man’s jaw actually dropped.

“Here!” He said to Joanna without turning around and handed her his suit from behind his back. She snatched it from his hand quickly and he could feel her movement as she started putting it on.

Julian stopped himself from cursing every time she accidently bumped into him while she clumsily wore his suit.

When she finished, she nudged him and he turned slowly and looked at her tiny frame in his large suit. She looked like a midget. Well, a very cute midget.

And she looked scared.

“Ok,” he whispered, “Hank is finished, but he likes to shave after the shower, so he’ll stay here for a while. Try and slip out without him seeing you.” Julian looked at her eyes to make sure she understood what he meant; If Hank sees her in Julian’s suit, he might suspect something.

She nodded quickly and started to move around him to get out. He saw the big bruise in her jaw and couldn’t help but extend his hand and touch it. Joanna jerked away quickly, looking at him with wide frightened eyes.

Shit! That wasn’t his intentions. But ofcoarse she’d do that. He was half naked and was boldly touching her face.

“Are you ok?” he had to ask her but she looked away from his worried eyes.

She didn’t answer, just gave him one last look before she opened the cubical door and slid out.

Oh, Julian. Making her trust you is going to be hard. He thought to himself before he turned to the empty cubic.

Julian suddenly realized something as he looked at his hand that just touched her bruised jaw. Joanna was burning up!

Joanna ran quickly to the cells hall. How many times does Julian have to see her as a girl? She knew he was trying to help this time, but she couldn’t help feeling violated.

Her head was dizzy, maybe because she hadn’t eat a thing since yesterday, but right now she only wanted to pull her mattress down on the ground and lay on it with both hers and Hank’s quilts wrapped around her.

When she finally reached the cells hall, the guards who were positioned in front of it gate didn’t stop her from entering, it looked like Kevin had already told them to let her rest.

She was so cold, so why was she heavily sweating?

She started climbing up the stairs when it hit her, and the world around her looked like a huge swirling candy.

She tried to hold onto the rails so she wouldn’t fall, but her hand couldn’t grip on the rails and she fell down.

“Hey!” she heard a voice approaching. “Are you alright?”

She opened her eyes to look up at the man; he was one of the guards. But after that, her vision went from blurry to utterly black.

P.S to readers:

I’m really really sleepy, I even wrote a few sentences while I closed my lids to drift to sleep. So, sorry, I couldn’t finish this chap tonight. I think I am going to have to finish later. But I hope you liked this part.

Joanna is falling from one crisis to the other, right? I dunno why my mind can’t give her a break. >..<

As I said, I am half a sleep right now, so any mistakes >>> forgive!

I ‘ll fix it tomorrow if I found errors >>> hope there’s not!

So, anyways, Please please comment and Vote, I really worked hard on this >> (considering I was half asleep!). I’ll try my best to finish the rest of this chap tomorrow.

Love love love,


Prison Chic #1st book of the Chics series (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now