Chapter 3: New Friends

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Ian’s POV

“I’ll be there at 2pm, bye!” I said and hung up.  Anthony called me, he asked when i wanted to come over. He said he wanted to take me and Mari to a place where he needed to practice for his role in a new movie. We were meeting his friends there. I sat on my parents couch staring out of the window, thinking about him. It was really fun yesterday, I kept replaying the whole day in my head. My thought were interrupted by my mother calling me from the kitchen “Ian, are you coming? Breakfast is ready!”. I jumped from the couch and sat next to my mom. The smell of fresh baked bread was floating in the room. “Bon apétit!” I said and reached out for slice of bread. “Be careful it’s still hot..” my mom tried to say, but too late. I let out a little squeal as I touched it, and my father began to laugh. “I missed your silliness Ian, bon apétit.”

Anthony’s POV

I woke up, must have fall asleep after I called Ian. I looked at the time on my watch, 13:12. Still got some time to take a quick shower. I got out of bed and opened the window to let some fresh air in my bedroom. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I thought about Ian and Mari, are they going to like my friends? The water poured down on me, and my hair stick on my face. I squeezed some shampoo in my hair and washed it. It felt soft after I dried it, but it was still a bit wet. My clothes for today were a simple white T-shirt and jeans. I packed some clothes for the dance school and  run downstairs to make myself some cereal. I opened the refrigerator, but no milk. I searched the house for it. I even looked outside, but I couldn’t find a thing. “Guess I’ll have to stick to bread then.” I said to myself. While I was walking back to the kitchen, I heard something fall and a little peep, like from a bird. I put a slice of bread in my mouth and went after the noise. It came from outside, the door was open. I looked around but didn’t saw where it could come from, till a little bush started to shake. I ran to it and focused on the sound. “Peep!” yes, I came from here. I looked in it and saw a little pigeon stuck in the bush. “Hold on little guy.” I said to the pigeon. I tried to be as careful as I could, and got him out. “Are you OK? Did you got hurt?” His leg was bleeding a little, poor pigeon. I stood up while holding the bird and turned to get back inside the house. Till someone stood in front of me.

“IAN, you scared me!” I yelled almost losing control over the bird, but I got him. Ian just laughed “Sorry man, we were knocking on the door but no one opened it. And I heard you talk in the backyard so I jumped over the fence. Hope it’s not a bit creepy.” Ian said. “No it’s oké, I only got a little problem here.” I said and showed him the bird. “Let’s go inside and help him, Mari is still waiting outside. I it oké to let her in?” he asked me while we went back inside. I put the bird on the towel I had to dry my hair, so it would be a bit comfortable. “Sure.” I responded. Ian ran to the front door and I went to get the First aid kid. When I was back at the table, the pigeon jumped on the floor. “No no no no no what are you doing there dummy? That could’ve hurt you” I said when I wanted to pick it up, but it ran away from me. “Piggy come back! Don’t run away from me, I want to help you!” I chased the pigeon and didn’t noticed Mari and Ian till I almost run up to them. “I won’t accept me as his doctor.” I said to them with a sad face. “You mean nurse.” Mari said and walked slowly to the pigeon. “She’s right.” Ian said and we laughed. Mari came back with the pigeon in her arms. “Let handle this, I don’t think that you know how to do this kind of stuff” she said. “She’s right again.” “Well thank for loving me so much!” I replied to Ian and smiled. “You guys want something to drink?” I offered. “No thanks.” The both said. “Well that was easy.” I said and went to put on my jacket. “So was your mom.” Ian yelled to me from the dining room. I laughed “I’m sure my friends will like you!” I yelled back “I hope so.” I heard him say. I went back and saw that Mari was done with the pigeon. “Girl, you’re fast. No Ian, no jokes.” I said, and he laughed. Mari picked the pigeon up and let him walk through the backdoor outside. “Ready to go?” I asked. “I hope I don’t have to dance.” Ian said “You’ll need to dance.” I said to him with an evil laugh. “Are you sure that t’s save with you in the car?” Mari asked me “Nope.” I responded. “Oh god.” She said, and we got in the car.

Ian’s POV

We arrived at the place, and I saw 3 guys standing on the sidewalk in front of the building. Anthony seemed to know them, as we got out of the car and het walked up to them. “Hey guys! Great to see you again.” He said to them. “Nice to see you too! How what your little trip to California?” the tallest one asked him. “Great, I’ve got some souvenirs with me” Anthony looked at us “Ian and Mari.” We stood next to Anthony and shacked hands. “These weird guys are David, Joshua and Matt.” Anthony said and introduced his friends. “They are going to join our Dance Group.” He continued. “We shall call it ‘The Sausage Party Band’ .” David suggested. “Sounds good to me.” I said. “Alright group, let’s start our journey!” Anthony said and walked in to the building. “Sure, take us there Gandalf.” Matt joked and we followed Anthony inside.

“Again, from the beginning!” David said to Anthony, who was exhausted from all the dancing. “I don’t want to! Ian can you take over for me please?” Anthony said while he sat down where he was standing. “Uhm, you know, I’m not a good dancer so I think I better just should stay here. Save. From the dangerous dance floor.” I said. “Come on, it’s not like it is going to bite you or something. Touch it.” He said to me. Mari grabbed my arm “Ian I know you, and I know how dangerous it is. You will get killed.” She said. I stood up from the bench and tipped my toe on the floor, and faked my death. “I knew it!” Mari said, we all laughed. “Alright, I’ll try my best.” I said and went to Anthony’s spot, he stood up and walked to the music box. I could see him in the mirror, and he smiled at me. I blushed a little, and he started the music. The first 16 steps were going great, but then I couldn’t remember the other steps, and just started to freestyle. I could hear them laugh through the music, and it stopped. Anthony ran up to me. “Damn, those are nice freestyle skills you got there.” He said and gave me a High-5. “Is that your new dance partner Anthony?” I turned around, there was a boy standing in the doorway. “Larry, what do you want?” Anthony asked the boy.

[Sorry for keep you guys waiting so long! My laptop crashed and all my files are gone :c i also needed to focus on school, cause i might fail this semester. But it's going into the right direction now :D The Dancegroup name is based on the latest Gamebang video, I'll put a link here if you haven't seen it yet. Part 2 will be up tomorrow, or sooner i hope. Thanks for waiting so long, Love you guys]

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