Chapter 7: Choose our Fate

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[Hey guys! I got a trouble with writing this story, you'll see on the end (Don't skip this chapter though!) and somethin else. I've changed the style of writing a bit, the layout looks different. let me now what you like more, this style, or the one I usally use. Have fun reading :D]

“This is all your fault.”  My clone said.

“No.” I started running away from everyone, but i tripped and fell in an open grave.

My clone looked down at me “Time is over, it’s you’re next.” He closed the grave and everything went black again.

_____End Dream_______________________________________

I opened my eyes and saw a lot of mirrors, I was in a mirror room.

I saw black coat and tried to tackle him, but I hit a mirror. I tried again but failed.

The only way to get him is to brake the glass.

I pulled up my feet and kicked as hard I  could against the mirror. The shock made almost every mirror in the room brake, and I saw the exit. And black coat, he ran away.

“Not this time.” I said and ran after him, but when i was outside he was gone.

I saw a shard of glass on the ground and a piece of paper. Both with blood on it. It said iram, no wait. I turned the glass and then I noticed, it said Mari.

I grabbed my phone to call Her, but someone was already calling me.

“Hello?” I said, waiting for a response. “Hey Ian, just a question. Where are you? I’ts like midnight!”

“Mom, sorry I haven’t let you know,  I-uhmm…” I stopped, thinking about what I should say next.

I couldn’t say that I was searching for Anthony, because he might die. She would be worried and maybe call the cops.

“I’m at Mari’s house, gaming with some friends. Is it Ok if I stay here for the night?” I lied.

“Well ok, but you know you can call me Alice instead of mom if you prefer that?” She asked me.     She was my stepmother, but I liked her so I started to call her mom.

It may sounds weird but she helps me forget a bit of what happened in the past. I felt save around her, the first few months were really confusing for me.

But it turned out great, I could not live without her anymore.

“I’m calling you mom because…… I like you…”

“…. Thank you Ian, I like you too very much. Come home save tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.” I hung up. I really meant what I said, but I needed to get of the call to check on Mari. I called her and waited.


I felt on my knees and felt tears dripping on my pants. I’m losing my two best friends, and I can’t let that happen. I have no idea where I have to go. I opened my hand and I saw the piece of paper I picked up. I hadn’t opened it yet. It said Dance school.

Oh no, I can’t believe this. Black coat is making me chose between Mari and Anthony….

[OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS EITHER IAN AAAAAH. haha, no but seriously. Is this a good ending? like, do you guys like to read an interactive story? do you want to choose between? or should i make a third option "Save both"? Thanks for reading, sorry for the waiting again, i'm now fully focused on Wattpad instead of School. Have a great Vacation everyone :D x]

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