The Creature

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He sat in the corner, his fingers in his hair, clutching his face. He had been like this for as long as he could remember, but recently, his condition had worsened.

"Stay away from me!" He shouted at what seemed to be no one. In reality, there was something; this something was evil. Very evil.

"Well, why would I want to do that?" The Creature said. Yes, this thing is so despicable, it does not even deserve to be called to be called by its name.

"Oh, child, why don't you follow my instructions?" It asked. "Why must you always make things so difficult?"

"Stay away from me!" the boy shouted.

The Creature slithered across the room, leaving behind a trail of dark gray slime. Its horrible face haunted the boy constantly. He could not escape.

When he tried to tell someone about this demon that haunted him, they would tell the psychiatrist that he needed a new prescription.

Months passed.

One day, the psychiatrist came to check on the boy. He was sitting in the corner, completely still.

This was quite unusual, so the psychiatrist moved closer to find the boy's throat was slit  and his chest ripped open. His heart was missing.

Panicked, the psychiatrist turned to run out the door, only to have to slam and lock. All of the blinds on the windows drew themselves.

"Welcome, Dr. Mekenoff." The Creature said.

"What the hell?" Dr. Mekenoff said.

"I've been there, you know. It was quite lovely." The Creature said, reveling itself.

It was like a human, but with a dark gray, slimy tail that resembled that of a snake. It had a wide mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth. Long talons sprouted from the tips of his fingers and in place of hair, he had short, black feathers.

Dr. Mekenoff stared into its black eyes.

"As you can see, our friend here seems to have meet an unfortunate end." The Creature said. "Poor thing. He held so much promise. If only he would have listened to me."

"What do you mean 'listen to you'?" Dr. Mekenoff asked.

"It is quite simple: I would tell the boy to do things, but he would never do them. That evil voice he has always talked about hearing,  that monster he always saw, that was me. Of course, you would never listen to him and he certainly was never going to kill you or any of your colleagues, so I did away with him."

Mekenoff was frozen. He could not move; he could not speak; he could not even breathe.

"Of course, that meant I would have to do the dirty work myself, but, you know what they say: 'if you want something done right, do it yourself'. I guess that's what I'll have to do."

The Creature lunged at the doctor, wrapping its long tail around him. It raised its talons and swiped it across Mekenoff's throat.

Pleased with himself, The Creature then slithered back into the corner.

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