Work of Art

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prompt of the day: a girl with purple hair, a restaurant, and a beautiful piece of art
In the museum, there were few visitors. The few who came, though, stared at the girl standing in front of the main art piece of the exhibit. Her hair was streaked with a deep purple, with few strands of green and brown amidst her long straight hair. Her hands were decorated with rings and bracelets galore while her neck was bare with only a small tattoo under her ear. She pulled up her turtleneck, hiding any sign of the ink penned on her skin, as she walked towards the abstract art in the next exhibit.

The girl was accompanied by a tall lanky boy with black hair and hazel eyes. They were associated often to be friends, but they were really much more than that. They were each other's saviour, worst enemy, and lover all combined.

The boy seemed to be trying to make conversation while the girl tried to act nonchalant, but her gentle smile gave her thoughts away.

The pair came upon the most recent piece added to the museum. It was a mixture of colors of the sunset, the sun blurring the sky while clouds overwhelmed the earth. Red splashed the edges while blue danced across the masterpiece.

"It looks like blood mixing with fire."

"Or it could be the skies at their colorful climax. When the sun mates with the earth, sparks of color are bound to fly."

"Gosh, Camille, was that supposed to be deep or a sexual innuendo?"

"Take it however you like, Damian. I was just stating the facts."

"Now, shall we move on to the next phase of our date milady?"

The young man smiled down at her while she linked her arms with his. After a slow and long stroll through the museum, they found their legs feeling numb and their stomachs growling with hunger. The couple walked out the glassy museum doors, and into the beckoning night.

They then settled for a simple Italian restaurant, filled with the smells of garlic and herbs in the air. As they sat at the table, eye signals were sent between each other and they both slowly started acting crazy, trying to see, who was crazier than the other.

The girl started by simply sticking her tongue out at the waiter and the boy tried to shush her, but lost control once she started making silly faces. His loud bursts of laughter and her disheveled behavior led them to be kicked out of the restaurant, with a bag of food in tow.

As they walked through the streets, rain drops began falling around them. Normally, this wouldn't bother them in the slightest as they both enjoyed the rain and the peace it brings.

Unfortunately, they chose today of all days to walk, rather than take a car. Not to mention, there was still a few miles left to walk until they got home and the food would certainly get ruined.

Damian slowly turned grouchy under the stormy sky as he had to constantly shield the food from the rain. Meanwhile, Camille was skipping down the street and laughing in her usual boisterous manner. She tried to get him to skip with her, but he glared at her before pointing at the food.

"Oh you poor baby, savior of the food from the dastardly rain. Such a hard task," she muttered, "tsk tsk, too bad we didn't bring an umbrella."

"I told you," he said, "we should've brought one, but nooo, you were in such a rush."

She simply shrugged and ran faster as they were nearly almost to their apartment. Watching her flying hair and seeing her bright smile, he couldn't help but think compared to all the works of art he saw in the museum, she was the loveliest of them all.

dedicated to darling ruth trashboycalum cause she's so sweet and precious and I adore her so much

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