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i. because i have a fear of commitment

(i said it was my age and the worst was that you believed me)

ii. because i always talk about greek mythology

(you never cared and i knew that)

iii. because i texted you that night at two am

(i was just sad
i didnt mean it i didnt mean it)

iv. because i hesitate before kissing you

(you scare me more than i am willing to admit)

v. because i write about other men

(you never knew this)

vi. because you never met my parents

(im sorry
im the wrong girl im the wrong girl)

vii. because your hand always felt warm

(i am cold cold cold darling)

viii. because you left a bruise on my wrist 

(fuck you)

ix. because you never screamed

(all you did was leave)

x. because you never said you loved me

(i love you i love you i love you)

reasons for why im sorry || e.s.

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