Chapter 4 - DONE

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John walked in through the dark door opening just as a flash of something white was approximately 0.6 seconds from slamming into his face; thankfully, his quick reflexes stopped the white something from breaking his nose as his hand grabbed the something-- which turned out to be a small, dirty white ball.

"Yeah, sorry about that," someone said from the otherside of the room, and John looked up to see a boy opposite him, a boy whose face was quite familiar. Quite familiar, indeed.

"You..." this guy in front of him was the guy from the train. The sandwich picker-upper. "You're the guy from the train, right?" John recognised the black curls that framed the slender face, the cold stark blue eyes that seemed to have a certain depth of calculativeness.

The boy, Sherlock Holmes as the head boy Mycroft had informed him, didn't smile. He didn't say "hi" or "hello". He didn't shake hands warmly or even nod politely.

He frowned.

And strode past John.

"You told me I wasn't to have another dorm partner!" Sherlock Holmes yelled down the dimly lit corridor, striding fast as he overtook a couple of students and leaving John feeling more than uncomfortable standing awkwardly in the doorway of his new dorm. Mycroft and Greg stopped to look back at Sherlock, before Sherlock started arguing with Mycroft. John tried hard not to listen in and looked away, but when he looked back he saw a stubborn finger being pointed in his direction and a distinct phrase "fuck off you condescending lying twat, you swore no more roomates", before he decided to just turn around and wait for it all to be smoothed over.

It smoothed over 10 seconds later when a defeated yet distinctly pissed-off Sherlock walked back into the dorm room, collapsing onto an office chair in silence. John waited a few seconds as his fingers rolled the ball across his rough skin, before clearing it his throat and throwing the ball back to Sherlock, who caught it without looking as he reached for a laptop simultaneously. John didn't find it particularly astounding, he looked like the type of bloke who could do that.

"Right. Well, um. Hi."

No response from this strange guy leaning in the absolute worst position against the pale blue wall, slumping as he typed with speed on the worn laptop.


This time Sherlock responded, not bothering to glance off his laptop as he waved his hand about. "Yes, sorry, hi, hello, I'm Sherlock Holmes and you're John Watson and let's skip the dull necessities and just get to the part where you throw your stuff on your bed and we ignore each other for the rest of the year."

John glanced about the room, his gaze catching the tall rafters, the wooden frames and the most incredible laziness that seemed to reach every corner of the room, before drawing back to Sherlock. He was radiating dislike with every movement, look and word: this guy really didn't want John here, or anything to do with him. John shrugged.



John would rarely meet the boy he shared his dorm with. He was already in the football team and the practices were pretty fun; Greg Lestrade, the captain of the football team and the guy he'd briefly met with Mycroft outside his new dorm. Greg showed him how the rest of the team worked, and once John had slipped with ease into the team's strategies, everything was going swimmingly.

John shared a couple classes with his roommate, the sciences mainly. He thought the guy gave him a weird look in the first physics class they had together, his strange eyes creasing slightly, but when John looked back Sherlock was already doing something with a bunsen burner in the back of the class, so John pretty much ignored him just as Sherlock ignored the rest of the class. He seemed to brush off every move made on him by a girl or boy and subtly turned his back on anyone who tried to ask him something.

Whatever. John wasn't interested in his dormmate. He just had to get on with school work and ignore any distractions, even if they were in the form of his annoying as hell oh I'm sorry is my absolutely incredibly important chemistry investigation on the speed of which a body decays in Norway in your History essay? roommate.

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now